Budding Relationship

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Dating Michael was proving... interesting. It'd been nearly a month since their disaster of a first date, and Edwardo still caught his heart skipping beats around the tiny male omega. Michael's smile should be considered a certified drug. And the way Michael's nose crinkled when he laughed? All Edwardo knew was that it did things to him. And then there were the photos Michael had put out of him decorating a gingerbread house after getting his hair redone...

Edwardo was smitten. Head over heels. And due to some unfortunate occurrences within the city he now had a very valid reason to be around Michael as much as possible.

With the holidays literally right around the corner, it had taken a murder for the city to officially issue an omega curfew and increase security. His father had even gone on tv to deliver the news of the curfew himself, citing that the safety of omegas is and always has been his top priority.

Either way with the curfew in effect, Michael now required a chaperone both to and from work. Since Edwardo was already up and at work by the time Michael had to show up for his shift, it was usually Michael's parents or his boss Mr. Kranston taking care of getting Michael to the bakery in the morning. As for when Michael got off however... that timing was absolutely conducive to Edwardo's schedule. He'd had the pleasure of ensuring Michael got home safely ever since the curfew started.

No one seemed to mind, Michael least of all, that Michael was getting home a few hours later than normal.

They had all kinds of fun together! Shopping, early dinners, people watching, and of course photography. Everything seemed more fun with Michael around. They even went to the opening day of the city's outdoor ice-skating rink together. It was Michael's idea. Edwardo tried to play it cool, but he couldn't move too far from the barricade before falling flat on his face. Michael was amazing at ice skating though. Not only could he turn on a dime, he could even skate backwards! Edwardo wouldn't say his dignity was a little bruised at being helped back up after repeatedly falling on his ass, but it was a good excuse to hold Michael's hand.

He loved holding Michael's hand. He loved the way Michael would cling to his arm. He loved the feeling of pulling Michael close to his side, tucked protectively against him. It was a heady thing.

One other thing about Michael that was driving him crazy... Sometimes, like when they would go shopping for example, Michael would reach up to get something, and is shirt would rise up just enough to show a peek of frills or lace from under the top hem of his pants. And there was one time he bent down to pick something up, and very clearly revealed he was wearing a neon green thong. Eddie thought it was a cruel test of his self-control. There was no way Michael knew he was into lingerie, that he got as much enjoyment out of the candy wrapper as he did the candy itself...

Speaking of, he already had a nickname for Michael, not that he'd used it aloud yet. "Dolcito." "Little Candy." With the bright colors Michael was so fond of, it fit. At least, Eddie thought so. And when his Dolcito wasn't around, he found himself craving a little taste.

He never allowed himself more than a little taste. They kissed, sure, but those were quick affairs, and nothing like what they did on their first date. Not that Edwardo didn't want to experience that again, he was just scared. He was scared he'd lose his control and hurt Michael by mistake. Michael was so much SMALLER than he was! And then there was his family... He still hadn't told them he was dating another man. He didn't know what his father would think, or his brother, or how it would impact their political careers. No matter his own feelings, he had his family's image to take into account too.

But if he let himself get more than that little taste, there'd be no going back.

And today was a bittersweet occasion. With it just starting to snow, just like the teleprompter he read from all week said it would, he and Michael would be having their last date before Edwardo had to fly to Mexico to spend the holidays with his mother's family. There wasn't any getting out of it. He wish he dared to invite Michael to come with him...

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