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I'm so sorry! I completely forgot about updating yesterday! Things have been so hectic lately, I swear I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached... Please enjoy this week's chapter though! An my apologies for it being late!

"This feels like a really long trip just to go to a spa. I really don't get any more hints than that?"

Ryan fiddled with some ankle weights so he could keep up with a modified version of his seated exercise regimen. He and Scott had packed up last night, four days' worth, and left the city early this morning. Ryan knew this was his much hinted at birthday trip considering Valentine's Day, also his birthday, was the day after tomorrow. Frustratingly, "going to the spa" was the only hint Scott had given him for over a week. And they'd already been in the car for almost two hours now.

"We are going to a spa," Scott said good naturedly. "We're just not going to one in the city. Don't worry, we're maybe half an hour out right now."

Outside the car window the scenery sped by, and there was still a touch of snow left on the ground under the shadows of trees. Winter wasn't quite over yet, and the air still had a bit of a bite to it if the wind kicked up. Ryan didn't have the foggiest idea of where they were going. This certainly wasn't the way they went to go to the beach. He'd tried to look up a map on his phone, but it didn't help at all. It seemed patience was the only way he was going to get any answers today.


"That's it there!" Scott pointed to a smidgin of ornate roof peeking from the top of bare trees far from the road.

Ryan shifted to see it better, but it disappeared as Scott turned off the main road at the entrance to the mystery building's grounds. The gravel path, barely big enough for two cars, wound its way through dense woodland that would have no doubt been spectacular had there been leaves on the trees. Then suddenly, Scott took one final turn and they were driving by acres of manicured lawn, with ornate gardens in the distance that surrounded an impressive building that reminded Ryan of a mansion.

"That's a spa?" Ryan asked.

"More of a countryside health resort, but yup!"

Ryan studied the place as they made their way closer. It was at least three stories tall, maybe four, and as the road circled the building an equally impressive lake came into view, along with a huge greenhouse that joined the building via a covered walkway. Already at what must have been the entrance, attendants and staff were gathering to greet them.

Ryan couldn't help but gawk a little as Scott finally pulled the car into the designated loading space. Male and female staff alike wore matching and well-kept uniforms, and were quick to jump into what must have been their pre-determined tasks. At least Scott kept his wits about him. Before Ryan knew it, one of the staff had already pulled his walker out of the back seat, set it up, and opened Ryan's door for him.

"It's alright, I'll help him out of the car." Scott said.

Ryan hadn't even noticed that Scott had gotten out of the car in the first place! He'd much rather have Scott's help anyway. If he stumbled, it would be less embarrassing than clinging to a stranger. Scott came around and helped Ryan out of the car without incident, and they were led into the main entrance, with a short detour to the access ramp.

The inside was even more impressive than the outside. Ryan caught himself letting his jaw hang open as he took everything in. Paintings and embroidered tapestries hung on the walls, all of peaceful landscapes and woodland scenes. The floors were of some golden colored wood polished so bright you could see yourself in it. And roses were everywhere. Every flat surface large enough boasted an arrangement made of red roses. There was even a piano in the corner with a small vase of red roses on it, though no one was playing it at the moment. Were they really going to get to stay in a place as fancy as this?

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