Family Time (+)

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Scott awoke the next morning wrapped around Ryan. They were spooning, Ryan had his head on Scott's shoulder, hugging his arm loosely, snoring lightly. Scott buried his face in Ryan's hair, savoring his smell. Last night, they finally had sex. He was finally able to make love to the most beautiful person on the planet. After all this time, it almost didn't seem real.

In his arms, Ryan twitched as though he was dreaming. He had some weird ones before, or at least he often told Scott how weird his dreams could get, usually centering around things going absurdly awry at work. Scott hoped this one was pleasant.

He breathed deeply. Ryan's scent was everywhere. It was wonderful, sweet and musky, a toned down version of the pheromones Ryan produced when they first met over four months ago. For all the partners he'd had, none smelled this good. He was sure now, more than ever, that he wanted Ryan to be his. In his arms, Ryan suddenly stretched, with a grunt that turned into a yawn.

"Good morning," Scott whispered, not sure if Ryan was actually awake yet.

Ryan flipped around, wrapping his arms around Scott's torso and nuzzling his chest with his face. "G'mornin..." He mumbled.

Scott craned his neck down to kiss Ryan's forehead. He got the glimpse of a smile, and Ryan hugged him tighter

"I love you," Scott said with a little amusement.

"Luv u too..."

It was clear Ryan wasn't quite awake. That was okay. Scott let him sleep some more, and after readjusting the blanket, did a little dozing himself. Moments like these were precious, after all.


Ryan had no idea what time it was. He was snuggled up to Scott's chest, the hair tickling his face. He thought Scott might have been awake earlier, but that also might have been a dream. Scott's smell surrounded him, just a little stronger than usual. He wondered briefly if it had anything to do with what they did last night. Speaking of which, he was just a little sore. His bottom was a hair shy of uncomfortable. He didn't mind, though. He knew his body would get used to it soon enough. Scott was worth it.

There was a loud gurgling sound. Ryan knew it didn't come from him. Was Scott awake?

"You sound hungry, Cuddle Bug."

"That didn't wake you up, did it?"

"Nah, I was awake already " Ryan didn't move. He mumbled his words to Scott's chest. "Did you remember to get the stuff?"

"Oh, I got the stuff. I got the good stuff."

Ryan chuckled, and looked up at his boyfriend, stretching lazily. "Guess I'd better start breakfast before you get too hungry. You might decide to eat me instead."

"Oh, I don't know. I might eat you anyway."

They traded good morning kisses, soft, sweet, and lazy.

"You wanna watch me pee before I start cooking?" Ryan teased, sitting up and stretching.

"That's not playing fair!" Scott complained good naturedly.

"Huh? So, you don't want to watch?"

Scott sat up and stretched himself.

"If I watched all the time, it wouldn't be special any more. Besides," his stomach growled again, and he added pitifully, "I don't think I have the energy for sex right now, and there's no way I wouldn't want it after seeing that again."

"You've given me a strange power over you," Ryan mused. "Like a secret weapon. I promise to use these powers wisely." His own stomach growled. "Though, I wouldn't mind breakfast first, myself."

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