Omega Chat

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Gail and Ryan were thoroughly engrossed in their activity, when Ryan's phone rang in the other room. Gail went to get it no questions asked, and helped Ryan by putting it on speaker for him when he asked her to. Ryan already knew who it was from the ringtone, and Michael's voice came out clear and urgent from the speaker:

"Dude! I need your help! It's an emergency!"

Ryan's heart dropped. What else could go wrong today? "Michael? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I need you to teach me how to go down on a dick!" Michael insisted. "It's a matter of life and death! You said you were good at oral, right?"

"Mick... you do know you're on speaker, right...?"

"What's the big deal? Scott knows I know you got the skills! I really need this favor! You've got to help me out!"

Gail picked this moment to speak up. "Sweetheart, my son's a little indisposed at the moment."

"Ah- Um- Eh- H-hi... Mrs. Kranston..." Michael stammered. You could almost see his blush through the receiver. "Is... anyone else there with you two...?"

Gail laughed a little, breaking the tension. "No, it's just Ryan and me. You're safe."

Michael sighed in relief. "It's just... been a wild day."

"No kidding." Ryan echoed the sentiment.

With that bit of fiasco out of the way, Ryan asked his friend what prompted such a question. He knew Michael and Edwardo were supposed to go on a date last night, and honestly he was a little surprised it took this long to get an update from him. He'd just assumed things had gone well.

Michael told them the story of how he'd made an absolute fool out of himself and completely ruined their first date and how he was sure Edwardo was just being nice and how much it HURT because DAMN was Eddie ever a fine-ass man if such a man were to exist AND he was loaded AND he can cook AND there's a freaking pool INSIDE his absolutely huge house AND he has the sweetest dog ever AND Michael really, really, REALLY didn't want to go home but Eddie drove him back in a SPORTS CAR of all things...

"You just don't understand..." Michael went on. "I was blessed enough to see him in a tank top! His tiddies are as big as my head! I'm dying of thirst over here... Completely dehydrated! It's just... How can someone so amazing actually have feelings for someone like me...?"

"Well, if he's the one that said he wanted to keep dating, I would take it at face value and run with it," Gail reasoned. "You might find him attractive, and he may appear successful, but you can't judge this stuff on appearance alone."

"She's right, you know," Ryan added.

"Easy for you two to say..." Michael grumbled. "One of you is mated, and the other is engaged and here I am just trying to get a slice of what you guys have... Ryan, I know I made fun of you a little when you started dating Scott, and when you were going on about the smell thing... But Eddie- Oh! He. Smells. So. Freaking. Delicious! Damn! I wish I could have stolen one of his shirts... Hell, I'd be happy with a sock! And he's so tall, I fit perfectly under his arm... I've never felt so safe around an alpha like that before..."

"Sweetheart, if you're reacting to his smell that much, then I don't think you have anything to worry about." Gail spoke with the authority of an older omega who'd seen things a time or two. "I wouldn't go stealing from him, but pheromones are a big deal when it comes to alpha-omega relationships. If he smells that good to you, there's a fair chance you smell that good to him."

"Scott's always telling me he likes the way I smell. He says it calms him down," Ryan offered.

"I just don't want to mess this up..." Michael whined. "Eddie... He's so absolutely perfect... I know I don't deserve it but... I want it so bad..."

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