Taco Truck

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Michael leaned into Edwardo as an unexpectedly strong gust of wind came through. He wrapped his arms around himself and couldn't help the shivering and chattering of his teeth. This was rapidly becoming not fun anymore. How much dignity would he loose if he just went back to the car?

Edwardo reacted quickly once he realized the situation his date was in. He pulled off his coat and wrapped it around Michael's shoulders, pulling Michael in close to his side. Once the guys around them had determined Michael didn't speak Spanish, they'd been bombarding him with questions about his colorful companion. One of them got out a teasing remark, which he ignored.

"Are you cold?" Edwardo asked Michael in English. "It's kind of chilly tonight."

Michael nodded in response, blushing as he gratefully leaned into Edwardo's embrace. The jacket was warm, hugely oversized, and having Edwardo's smell surrounding him was a very comforting thing. He could tell some of the bystanders were jeering at them, but whatever Edwardo said back to them got them to lay off.

He continued talking to Michael in English. "We're almost at the front of the line, did you get a chance to read the menu board? I always get the carnitas, but they do burritos, quesadillas, tacos pescados..."

"Carnitas? That's like a shredded meat, right?" Michael asked. "If you say it's good, I'll get that. As long as it's not too spicy."

Edwardo assured him it wasn't spicy. Cold as it was outside, the area around the truck smelled amazing. If the food tasted half as good, then it was no wonder there were so many patrons, even with the cold. There were two picnic tables set up, and both were full, with people even sitting on the curb enjoying their food from white styrofoam containers. Maybe the food would be worth a little teasing...?

When it was their turn to place their order, the guy in the truck called Edwardo by name. They joked back and forth for a bit, but it was in Spanish so Michael had no clue what they were saying. It didn't seem to be about HIM though, so he didn't let it get to him. He was barely tall enough to see into the truck, but he could see another person busily working away at the grill. It smelled even better up close. Their order was placed, and they moved to the side to wait.

"Do you come here a lot?" Michael asked. "Everyone seems to know you."

"I'd say I eat here a lot. My dad grew up in this neighborhood, and kept ties with it even after he got into politics. Most people here know my family."

"Are you... embarrassed? Bringing someone like me here?" For once, Michael felt very out of place. He didn't know any of these people, and it felt like some of them were making fun of him. This certainly wasn't a place he'd come on his own, and even now was stuck to Edwardo's side like a burr.

"Nah," Edwardo played it off. "Don't pay them any mind."

He didn't offer to translate any of the teasing they'd received. There truly wasn't any malice behind it, but it wasn't exactly clean either. He himself was still trying to come to terms with the fact that he was attracted to a guy, but he refused to be ashamed by it. He certainly wasn't about to let the guy in question in on his insecurities. He was an alpha. Michael was an omega. Gender shouldn't matter. That's the way these things worked. Michael was an amazing person, more amazing than any girl he'd ever dated, and he was bound and determined to give this thing a shot.

"Aren't you cold? I feel bad taking your jacket."

"Don't worry about it. The food shouldn't take too much longer, and we can eat in the limo where it's warmer."

It really didn't take all that long for them to get their food, surprisingly. The bag Edwardo got from the order window had three takeout containers, and he was given three bottles of water, which Michael offered to help carry. Michael wondered briefly about the additional meal, but had his question quickly answered once they got back to the warmth of the limousine and Edwardo fished one of the containers out and passed it up to the driver through the small window, then taking one of the bottles of water and doing the same, along with napkins and hot sauce packets.

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