What You Can And Can't Do

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Ryan made up for his telling Michael exactly what Scott's fetish was and where all they had sex and how cute Scott's face was when he was about to cum, by telling Scott all about how Michael was sexually frustrated and had the hugest crush on and fantasized about the weatherman. Both Scott and Michael's faces were as red as could be, but Ryan kept chatting away, completely oblivious to their discomfort.

Scott tactfully tried to change the subject. "My parents are on their way to come see you too," he told Ryan. "My dad said he'd even bring you a surprise."

Thankfully, the tactic worked.

"Your parents are coming just to see me?" Ryan asked brightly. "That's so nice of them! They don't have to do that. Mick, did you know my Cuddle Bug's dad owns a bakery? His whole family are such good cooks! He can't cook though... Oh! Do you think the surprise will be something from their shop? I really hope so..."

While they were waiting, a nurse actually brought in some breakfast for Ryan. Nothing too fancy, scrambled eggs with toast, juice with a straw, and a cup of orange slices. She helped Scott get him sat upright in the hospital bed, and adjusted all the traction slings so Ryan would be more comfortable. He winced a little at being moved around, but the pain killers were doing their job very well. This was also when Ryan realized he had a very big problem.

"I... I can't feed myself... can I...?"

And, he couldn't. Not with his right arm in a cast above the elbow and his left shoulder immobilized. He could move his left arm some, but without the use of his wrist he couldn't get the food from the plate to his face. And besides, the inside of that elbow was where his IV was. It wasn't exactly comfortable to move around...

"No, you can't." Scott admitted gently. "But that's what I'm here for."

Scott waved away the nurse, who's job it would have been to help Ryan eat, signaling that he would take over. She left with a smile, telling them to page the nurse's station if they needed anything. Scott removed Ryan's oxygen mask so he could help him with his meal.

Ryan decided very quickly he was not a fan of being fed like this. Not that Scott was doing a bad job, it was just embarrassing. The food wasn't even that good. But, Ryan put up with it. He was a little hungry anyway, and Scott was being so earnest about the whole thing. Ryan just wished he'd put a little more on the fork for each bite. Michael watched on awkwardly, until Ryan's phone started vibrating in his back pocket.

"I've got to take this call," Michael said as he stepped out.

Once out in the hall, he unlocked the phone and answered. Ryan's lock code wasn't too hard to figure out, he'd seen his friend unlock his phone hundreds of times. He just never thought the knowledge would come in handy like this. He already knew who was calling by the caller ID, but was taken aback by the harsh tone on the other end of the line.

"Ryan, damnit, where are you? Your shift started twenty minutes ago! You better have a good excuse for being late!" The grating voice of the manager at Dean's Grocery sounded through the speaker.

Michael wanted so bad to tell the guy off. Who the fuck did he think he was, trying to talk to his friend like that? Michael swallowed the lump in his throat and growled back through gritted teeth, "My friend is in the hospital, busy getting his breakfast fed to him, because some asshole like you who obviously doesn't respect omegas decided it'd be funny to try and murder him by dropping a fucking pallet on his face. So sorry, but he's calling out today."

Michael hung up before the guy could respond. He tried to control his breathing. He didn't want to start crying again. This whole thing went from scary to frustrating. His friend was going to be okay now. But, Michael had no idea what he could do to help.

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