Bonus 1: Geriatric

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So, I got a comment on another platform, wondering how Scott and Ryan might be when they're hitting their 80s that really got me thinking. I realized it was unfair to keep my reply there only, and wanted to share it with my readers here since I think you guys might enjoy it. So, here it is:

"So glad you enjoyed it! But now I've got the image of little grandpa Scott and Ryan still being adorably lovey-dovey even in their old age. Maybe Scott misplaces his dentures from time to time, since his sweet tooth got the better of him. And maybe Ryan keeps that stubbornly independent streak of his despite going a little senile, puttering along in his walker, or even a powered chair if it comes down to it.

Maybe they retire on the beach, where a nurse or "grandchild" checks in on them every now and then. Maybe family comes to stay with them a week or two at a time, which they don't mind since there's so many rooms they're not using and it's nice to have the company. Maybe they still play videogames together, since keeping the hands active helps with arthritis.

Maybe they make it a point to still buy Ryan's grandparents new cemetery flowers for every holiday, and ones for Scott's parents too.

Maybe they look back on their lives with pride. Maybe Ryan really did help develop an alternative medicine or two with fewer side effects and a cheaper cost. Maybe Scott shifted focus to assist with the clinical trials of those medicines.

Maybe they know one day, no matter who goes first, the other one won't be far behind. But that's not worth worrying about. For now there's lazy mornings, oceanside sunsets, and hands to hold with knobby fingers that still lace perfectly together."

This was a lot of fun to write, and super spontaneous. I know it isn't very long, but I hope you enjoyed reading my speculation. If you have any more ideas or things you were wondering about, go ahead and let me know! I might be up for writing another one of these or two!

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