Well, That's New

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Tuesday came back around again. Ryan's overnight bag was in the trunk of Scott's car, and they'd just finished a wonderful Italian dinner. Ryan rubbed his belly contentedly as they made their way through the parking lot.

"Oh! That was so good!" Ryan exclaimed.

"Ready for the next stop?" Scott asked.

They arrived at the car and Scott held the door for him. Ordinarily, they would have gotten takeout and just eaten at Scott's place, but since they skipped out on it Sunday, today Scott was making good on his promise to get Ryan something to make his heat easier. Preferably something they could both enjoy later, as he fully intended they would spend the heat after this one together.

"I'm a little nervous," Ryan admitted as he got in the car, "I don't think I could go in a place like that on my own, but as long as it's with you, I should be fine."

Scott blew him a kiss before shutting the door and getting in on the driver's side. The shop Scott had in mind wasn't too far from the restaurant, which was a good thing, since he could tell the massive load of carbs they'd just consumed might soon have his boyfriend out like a light, if that massive yawn he just witnessed was any indicator.

The shop was a little secluded, tucked off the road a bit and hidden by bushes. It was a nondescript building with no windows. The sign read "Playtime Adult Store" in pink neon. Scott parked the car, and Ryan told himself repeatedly in his head that "he could do this," and "Scott was with him, so everything would be fine." It even had the pink "Omega Friendly" logo prominently displayed near the entrance.

There was a guard at the door checking IDs. With two other cars in the parking lot, Ryan prayed they were employees and that he and Scott would be the only ones in the store.

When they were granted access, Ryan stuck to Scott like a burr. It was crazy. Never had he seen so many phallus shaped things before, especially things that had no business being phallus shaped. Who could possibly need a pack of cheap water guns shaped like penises? Why was that a thing?

That was just the relatively tame bachelor party stuff at the front of the store. A little further in was a wall of dildos, and that was exactly where they were headed. Ryan was trying very hard to keep his composure, but his tan skin was blushing just as hard as it could be. Scott, while not ignorant of his boyfriend's discomfort, seemed completely unperturbed by the settings.

"We'll make this quick, I promise." Scott said quietly. "I think something that could be used with or without vibration would be best, but I'll leave that completely up to you. It would be a good idea if it was somewhat close to my size though."

Ryan didn't respond, instead he took in the plethora of options before him. There was every size, shape, and color you could possibly want. Why couldn't this be an easy choice? Why were there so many? Why were some of them so much more expensive than others? Why the hell did some have two shafts?!

When Ryan moved to stand behind him a little, Scott realized just how overwhelmed he must be. He took initiative and picked out a few promising candidates from the display, from hyper-realistic to completely novel, pulling down their packages to bring to Ryan's attention.

"Here, pick from these four." Scott passed the packages over. "These two have vibration motors with USB charging, and these two are just plain. If you want, I'm sure the girl at the counter will let to see how strong the vibration is."

"O–o–ok–kay..." Ryan stammered.

Scott took that as an affirmative and guided Ryan to the register so they could test the toys. It's not quite what Ryan meant, but at this point he was kind of just along for the ride. The cashier, decked out in braids and body jewelry, was actually super helpful, opening all the packages so Ryan could feel them. She even ran through the features of the electric ones. He was a little afraid to touch them.

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