Blue And Orange (+)

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Today was a super important extremely special kind of day. Scott wasn't nervous or anything, well okay, that was a little bit of a lie. He'd ordered something special, and it had finally come in. He just hoped Ryan would like it. He really, really hoped Ryan would like it. And, he hoped it would fit.

Speaking of, his wonderful boyfriend sent him a text this morning that his heat was finally over. They'd made plans ahead of time to go out to a buffet for dinner once he was off work. Ryan wouldn't accept money for groceries, but that didn't mean Scott had no way to make sure he got fed. Heats burn a ton of calories. It was a little way Scott could look out for him without being too overbearing.

He was actually walking down the hall to Ryan's place now. He'd taken Ryan's advice a few weeks ago and gotten the background check and paperwork done so he could be registered as a safe visitor. Ryan still had to give notice he was expected ahead of time, but it was markedly easier to get in the building now. He finally got to the door. He shifted the small vase of flowers in his arms, and knocked.

There was a clamoring sound as the lock was hastily undone. The door was thrown open, leaving him face-to-face with an enthusiastic, if slightly damp, love of his life.

"Cuddle Bug!" Ryan's eyes sparkled, and he moved to wrap his boyfriend up in a hug, but stopped short when he saw what was in Scott's arms. He gasped in astonishment. "You brought me flowers?"

"Consider them an atonement."

"For what?"

Ryan let Scott inside and closed the door. The exhaust fan was still running, fighting the accumulation of heat pheremones from the past few days. Scott put the flowers on the tiny kitchen counter. As soon as his arms were free, Ryan wormed his way in to them, practically molding himself to Scott's body, hugging him tight.

"They're so pretty... No one's ever brought me flowers before." Ryan murmured into Scott's hair. "But, what are you atoning for?"

"What else, but leaving you to suffer your heat alone again?"

Ryan may not be producing his heat pheremones any more, but it was very clear to Scott that his hormone levels weren't quite back to normal yet.

"That toy you bought me helped a lot. My heat hadn't been that easy to deal with in a long time." He rested his head on Scott's shoulder. "I'm sorry if my hair is wet, I showered before you got here."

"I'm glad it helped. Do you want me to help you dry your hair before we go? It's a little chilly out there."

Ryan pulled back just enough to look Scott in the eye, pouting a little.

"What? Aren't you hungry?" Scott asked.

Ryan leaned in close again to whisper in Scott's ear, "The vibrator was nice, but you've been the only thing on my mind the past three days. I promise I'll be quiet. Please?"

Ryan licked Scott's ear, sending shivers down Scott's spine. It was playing dirty, but Scott's smell was getting to his head. He pressed their hips together, grinding just ever so slightly. This may be his fourth day, but apparently his body had decided it wasn't quite finished with this heat yet, not with this person he spent the whole time fantasizing about in front of him. He was rewarded with a pair of hands that squeezed his ass tight.

Scott decided two could play the ear game, and after running his own tongue along Ryan's ear, he let out a playful little growling sound.

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