Early Presents

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Michael thought he hid his disappointment fairly well when it turned out that the surprise was actually dinner as expected and not some sly scheme to get the two of them between a set of hotel linens. The restaurant had a designated elevator, and as soon as they were inside Michael knew he was in trouble.

"Ah... How far up is the restaurant?" Michael asked, clinging to Eddie's arm a little tighter.

"Probably about sixty floors or so. Why?" Edwardo pressed the button for the floor once the doors closed.

It was easy to tell this was a glass elevator. There was a little garden right outside its walls. Michael wanted out of it. Now. But, it was too late. It started moving, and at the sight of the ground rapidly falling away instinct took over.

It was such a quick movement Edwardo didn't realize what was going on at first. One moment Michael was next to him apparently fine, and the next Michael had physically gotten himself inside Edwardo's own buttoned up coat. Michael's arms squeezed Edwardo's torso so tight, it was almost hard to breathe.

"Hey- What- Mick- Michael, what are you doing?" Edwardo stood awkwardly with his arms held away from his body.

"I'm- I'm sc-scared of h-heights..." came Michael's muffled reply.

So that's what it was? Edwardo sighed and gently hugged Michael back, patting what he assumed were Michael's shoulders through his coat. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. We're almost there, okay?"

The elevator finally reached its destination, and there was an awkward shuffle to get off with Michael refusing to let him go. Edwardo signaled to the gentleman running the hostess stand to give them a minute.

"Okay, we're not on the elevator anymore." Edwardo soothed, undoing his coat buttons. "You can't see outside from here. You want to try opening your eyes?"

Michael peeked his eyes open ever so slowly, and sighed in relief when he found Edwardo's words to be true. He was still shaking a little. How embarrassing!

"Are you okay?" Edwardo asked. "I didn't know you were so afraid of heights."

"I'm short, okay?" Michael pouted, pulling away from Eddie just a little. "I'm made to stay close to the ground. Usually it doesn't bother me to be so high up so long as I can't tell I'm high up, but that damned elevator's a damned torture device!"

Edwardo frowned, unsure how to handle the situation.

"If you gentlemen would like," the host spoke up, "we have an employee elevator that's completely enclosed, should you gentlemen decide against dining with us today. However, we do have a few tables far from the windows without views of the city available as well."

"What do you think?" Edwardo asked Michael. "Do you want to try eating here, or do we need to leave?"

Michael took a deep breath. He finally got his shaking more or less under control. "You said this place was good. It would be a shame to go through all that and not at least try it... I'll be okay so long as I can't see the ground. That, and I really need to sit down."

With Michael giving them the okay, the host showed them to a table near the middle of the restaurant, right next to the kitchen doors. Ordinarily it would be the least desired spot, but with the textured glass partition blocking off half of the usually desired view it was the perfect spot for them to be. They were left with menus and a waitress soon came to take drink orders.

Michael sipped at his water and nibbled on the skinny cracker-like breadsticks that were left on the table as he looked over the menu. This was definitely the most expensive place they'd been on a date to by far, and he just made a total fool of himself. If he couldn't get his digestive system going again after that mini panic attack he wasn't even going to be able to eat. He didn't want to waste their date like that.

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