Coming To Conclusions

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Michael zoned out the entire ride home. He wasn't even bothered about the safety concerns or the omega curfew, all he knew was that in that moment, he wanted to be wherever Edwardo wasn't. He almost didn't realize when the rideshare had pulled up in front of his house, but an awkward prompt from the driver woke him up enough for him to leave the vehicle and shuffle inside.

His parents weren't home. He somewhat remembered them saying something about having a work sponsored holiday party tonight... Oh well. He didn't really want to be around anyone right now anyway. His clothes were damp from where he fell in the snow, and he wanted a shower more than anything.

He wanted to scrub off the feeling of Edwardo's hands on his body.

Speaking of, his phone had been going off almost nonstop. He'd put it on silent in the car, but all the calls and messages were coming from the same number. Even if he didn't want to talk, he knew how bad it would look if Edwardo freaked out and called the police to report him missing. Without checking any of the texts or voicemails, he sent back a single message before putting his phone on do not disturb:

MICHAEL- [I made it home. I need to think. Leave me alone.]

Stripping for the shower, he couldn't help but see his reflection in the mirror of him in the candy-striped harness. He had been so excited when he found the elastic, and it had taken so much work to put the whole thing together... So much for that. He pulled it off roughly, hearing some of the seams pop, and threw it in the little bathroom trashcan along with the rest of his lingere set. He was cold and tired, and he was still crazy sore from when he fell. It wouldn't be a lie to say he used up the entirety of his home's hot water to get cleaned up.

And by getting "cleaned up," that of course meant he spent the whole time disassociating.

It wasn't since his first heat that he'd felt so bad about being born omega. Only this time, he resented his outward organs instead of his inner ones. He didn't want to be a girl, but if he had been born a girl...

Who's to say if that would have made anything any easier anyway.

A really good headache started as he dried off, emanating from his new and very tender bump on the back of his head. It was easy enough to convince himself he deserved it. He'd pushed Edwardo out of his comfort zone at every possible opportunity. After getting such a firm rejection, adding injury to the insult was nothing more than poetic justice.

Now mostly dry and wrapped in a towel, he shuffled back to his room to put on his nightclothes. At times like these, only the most comfortable will do. He dug out his flannel one-piece hamster pajamas with the button flap in the back and put it on. Edwardo's Christmas present sat half-finished on his desk. It was a silk tie he was figuring out how to hand paint, since it seemed more practical considering Edwardo's job. The last color he needed to finish it was lost in the mail somewhere. Michael packed everything up carefully and put it at the bottom of his closet. He didn't want to look at it right now.

What he did want, was a painkiller. An icepack for the back of his head was probably a good idea too. Both of those, and to curl up in bed and go to sleep. Today couldn't possibly get any worse if he was asleep.


The next morning, Michael apparently looked bad enough his mom actually suggested he call out of work for the day. With everything all said and done yesterday, he'd gotten in a really good cry before finally getting to sleep. Whether that did him any good, he couldn't tell. He wasn't about to call out of work though. This was his last shift before his heat window, and he needed the distraction of the busy bakery now more than ever. Having a very tender bump on the back of his head wasn't helping matters.

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