Can I Say Sorry?

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He forgot the coffee. He went out for one thing- Scott leaned heavily on his apartment door. The mid-afternoon sun was shining brightly through the curtains of his spacious unit. He ran his fingers through his hair. Did that guy make it home okay? WAIT DID HE FORGET HIS SUPPRESSANT THIS MORNING?

He hurried to his kitchen, where the package was laying on the counter, same spot as always. Let's see, today is... Crap. This could totally be his fault. Today's pill sat in its little blister pack. Scott popped it dry and slumped against his cabinets, burying his face in his hands.

No Omega in their right mind would be out in public, much less working, with their heat so close. But, if they were just close enough and an alpha happened to come by... "Well, shit," Scott whispered to himself. He certainly didn't want to leave things as is. But, Ryan had to have made it home by now, right? Should he run back to the supermarket and check? His hand reached for his front door.

Wait. He had to think for a moment. Whether he caused it or not there was no doubt he was being affected by that guy's pheromones.

That's right, he had done everything he could at the store. Ryan had clearly refused more assistance.

There was really nothing more he could do. He made his way into his living space and flopped hard on the couch. He left him his business card, and heats lasted a few days anyway.

One week. Scott decided he would wait one week. If this Ryan doesn't come by his office then he would ask about him at the store. Just for peace of mind. He just had to apologize. Somehow. Just in case.

For now though, thoughts of the cashier were becoming intrusive. His slim build, that tan skin, panting "help me please!" He wondered what his hair looks like out of that ponytail... It had to be soft with those curls... Rich chocolate brown eyes... An adorably round ass that he just knew would fit perfectly in the palm of his hands... His pants got tight and before he knew it he was stroking himself through the denim fabric of his jeans. A little release couldn't hurt...

He nearly had his zipper down when he remembered how badly the poor guy had reacted to the Otoforin. It didn't matter how pent up he was, or whether he forgot his medication or not, he was a professional first and foremost. He was NOT going to jack off to a fantasy about a medical emergency!

Deadpan and frustrated he told himself, "I need a cold shower."


Wednesday. Four days later. Ryan was clean once more, taking the elevator ride of shame up from the laundry with his newly washed sheets. Not that he should have anything to be ashamed about, all the tenants were omegas. He was pretty sure he was the only MALE Omega in residence though, or he at least had never seen another male with a bite collar in the building.

The injection had delayed his heat like it was supposed to, but it also cost another day of missed work. Just what he needed. A shorter paycheck. It didn't really help that the majority of his fantasies seemed to feature a certain tall blond helpful bystander. The thought of having jerked off thinking of a total stranger disgusted him.

With a sour face he entered his apartment and set to work making the bed, perfect hospital corners and all. Then, ruined it all by faceplanting into the mattress.

He just need to offer to pay for that shot. Those things were pricy and that guy just up and dosed him like it was no big deal! He was not going to let some alpha lord a favor like that over him. And yet, the blanket was dryer warm, and heats were just sooo damn draining....

He got up with a groan. Naps could wait. He wondered how female omegas coped with having both a heat AND a period. Were periods anything like heats? He retrieved the business card from his table where he'd put it a few days ago. The clinic's address was a ways away, it would make for a long walk. A bus route came close though. It was going to suck, but he needed to get this over with before office hours were over. If he was lucky, he could get in, pay, and leave without having to see the guy who helped him out. Awkward situations were the last thing he wanted right now.

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