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Michael couldn't help fidgeting with the zipper on the coat Edwardo had gotten him for Christmas. The bodyguard Mr. Sanchez had promised to assign him sat next to him in the waiting area of the airport terminal, and the Sanchez family jet was taking absolutely forever to arrive...

New Year's had been a somewhat private thing at Scott's parent's place, which had given him the perfect opportunity to fish for advice with the issue at hand. He'd even been able to ring in the new year with Edwardo through a video call. It was certainly better than last New Year when he was stuck with Ryan at work with a skeleton crew because everyone else had called out, and a nice little break from the drama. Getting to sign Ryan's casts was a nice touch too, since it completely slipped his mind until he saw all the cute little scribbles on them.

Speaking of Ryan's casts, they were supposed to be coming off today. Michael had wanted to be there, but literally everyone told him this was more important. Ryan especially told him this was more important. And so here he was, waiting at the airport for his maybe-boyfriend and his family. He wanted desperately to make a good impression. He was even wearing a little makeup, but nothing as bold as he wore for his photoshoots.

On the chair next to him, the one that didn't contain the bodyguard, sat an overnight bag. Edwardo had agreed to try one of the tips straight from Ryan and Scott's relationship playbook. That didn't mean Michael wasn't nervous about it, but at least Edwardo seemed genuine in his desire to try and patch things over. They'd talked at least once a day every day since Michael's heat ended. It had all been mostly mundane conversation, since talking about the important stuff was hard for both of them apparently, especially over the phone. Edwardo's Christmas present was in the bag too. Michael finally had the motivation to get it done, he just needed a good window to present it.

So much waiting... So boring...

Finally, after what felt like forever, he swore he could hear the sound of rolling luggage echoing from the hallway in front of him. He stood up like a shot and did his best to straighten his appearance before the first person came into view. Even his bodyguard stood up and straightened his jacket. Michael swallowed nervously.

Councilman Sanchez was the first to come around the corner after a person who by their attire was probably security personnel. He was talking with a lady who had to be his wife, going by how much she looked like Eddie. Councilman Sanchez acknowledged Michael with a smile before continuing his conversation and his leisurely pace. Enrique and his wife Angela were next, and Michael got a wave from them. There should be only one person left. Knowing that wasn't helping Michael's nerves at all.

The first thing Michael saw was some huge something that was nearly neon green, which looked like a stuffed crocodile. Then finally, the rest of Edwardo came into view. He was trudging along, looking at the ground, toy in one hand and luggage cart being dragged by the other. Michael felt his breath catch in his throat. Before he could even call out to get Edwardo's attention, Enrique made it a point to get his brother to look up.

Their eyes met. Edwardo dropped the toy. The luggage cart was forgotten. He ran practically dead-sprint for Michael, past his family. Michael barely had enough time to brace himself before he was lifted into the air, spun around, and pulled tightly to Edwardo's chest. His feet were left dangling off the ground.

"I was so worried you weren't going to come." It was easy enough to hear the relief and joy in Edwardo's voice.

"I said I was going to, didn't I?" came Michael's muffled reply.

Michael wasn't sure how to take a greeting like this. On one hand, it was a wonderful feeling. Edwardo was showing more enthusiasm and initiative than he'd ever shown before. And, getting one's face smushed against those practically legendary pectorals didn't hurt either. Edwardo was holding him just tight enough to support his weight, but not so tight that it was too hard to breathe. Mad or not, he didn't realize how much he needed a hug like this.

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