We'll Be Okay

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"It's not fair..." Ryan sobbed. His ribs stabbed at him, not appreciating the sudden violent use.

Scott immediately set the bowl of pudding aside to start comforting him. "Ryan, I know it's not fair. I know this is hard on you."

Scott grabbed a tissue to wipe Ryan's face, resisting the urge to leak few tears himself. This was hard on him too. They would get through this, he just had to be strong. He had to be strong enough for the both of them.

"You don't know!" Ryan more yelled than cried, ignoring his sore ribs to vent his frustration. "I can't walk! I can't do anything for myself! I'm used to working, and now I'm stuck on the couch! I lost all my jobs! What am I supposed to do when you get tired of me? What am I supposed to do if you get angry with me? I can't even run away! It's just like last time, all over again!"

Scott stroked Ryan's hair. "What do you mean, 'last time?'" he asked softly. "Are you talking about your previous relationship?"

Ryan nodded, unable to get his breathing under control enough to answer. His chest hurt, and his nose was snotty, and he couldn't believe he really just yelled at Scott. He felt like shit.

"Shhh... Shhh..." Scott held a clean tissue under Ryan's nose. "Here, blow," he ordered.

Ryan had little choice but to comply. One more thing that was hard do for himself.

"Do you want to talk about it? About what happened with the person you dated before me?" Scott asked softly.

Ryan shook his head. His chest was gradually becoming too painful to keep up his sobbing. The tears continued to flow, but now his face was pinched for a different reason.

"Does your chest hurt?"

"Everything hurts... All the time... This sucks...!"

In that moment Scott regretted cutting back on Ryan's medicine dosage. He was supposed to help Ryan manage the pain, but he was too focused on getting Ryan to act like he normally did. It was selfish.

"I'm sorry, Hot Stuff." He gave Ryan a kiss on the forehead. "I'll get you an extra pain pill."

Scott grabbed the bottle from where it was sitting on the coffee table and fished two pills out of it, holding them out for Ryan to take. Ryan managed to pick them up and drop them in his mouth with an awkward movement. Ryan already had a drink on the table with a straw, so Scott helpfully held it out to him so he could finish talking the medicine.

"Ugh those things are gross" Ryan complained. He was still upset, he still hurt, but for now he just laid back against his pile of pillows, eyes shut tight as he willed the medicine to kick in soon, trying his hardest to get his breathing under control.

"You know you have to eat something with those or they'll upset your stomach."

"Do I really have to...?"

"Yes, you really have to." Scott retrieved the bowl of pudding. The whipped cream had deflated by now. "Will you let me help you?"

Ryan let out a whining sound as his emotions threatened to overtake him again, but he gave consent with a nod and a snotty nosed sniff. Scott helped him blow his nose again before he held the first small spoonful to Ryan's lips.

"The bits taste like a protein bar..." Ryan commented after a few bites.

"Because they are. Do you not like it?"

"It's okay..."

Scott did a little mental cheer when a fourth of the bowl was gone. Then one third. Ryan took his time eating, and called it quits after only eating half. It was better than nothing.

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