Talk It Out

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Edwardo's head throbbed in time with his heartbeat as he sat limply in a kind of uncomfortable armchair in his room of his family's villa. He repositioned a wet cloth he had draped over his eyes as he sipped from a water bottle.

Most of the plane trip was a total blur.

The one thing he knew for sure, and that was only because his brother corroborated his own drunken memory, was that Michael had finally answered one of his calls. Michael finally decided to talk to him, and he'd been too drunk to even hold a conversation. Then again, the only reason he'd been drinking was because Michael was ignoring him...

Of course, Edwardo realized Michael had had every right to be upset. What kind of alpha was he, anyway? Michael had done nothing but give him constant affection from day one, and Edwardo lied to his family about him. Sure, Michael had a right to know, but that was in no way the right timing for a confession. Never mind that he was a little freaked out at the time, because you know it's not every day your greatest sexual fantasy literally lands in your lap, it's just... ugh. His head hurt too badly to think about too much.

Somehow, some way, he had to make it up to Michael. He had to. Though, that was going to be very difficult seeing as they were a few thousand miles apart. Speaking of, wasn't there a time difference? What time was it back in the city now? It had to be getting late, was Michael even still up? His brother had told him to try calling Michael again once he was sober enough, but he didn't want to wait until he was "sober enough!" He needed to hear Michaels voice now!

He pulled the cloth from his face and whipped out his phone. Michael's name was at the top of the favorite contacts list. Edwardo tapped his name, praying Michael would pick up again. As it continued to ring, Edwardo prayed harder.

Finally, the phone finally picked up and a slightly sleepy voice came through the speaker. "I was wondering if you were going to call me back today.."

"Michael, I'm so sorry, I didn't wake you up did I?" Edwardo spoke softly, slightly for Michael's sake, but also for his own throbbing headache.

"Nah, I only just laid down." There was the sound of rustling blankets. "You sound hung over."

"I am... Michael, I am so, so sorry I-"

"Hold up,"

Edwardo's phone beeped, as the notification came through that Michael was trying to turn this into a video call. Edwardo accepted without hesitation, and after a few moments of buffering, a very snuggled up and cozy Michael appeared on his screen.

"Okay, you can continue." Michael shifted a little to get more comfortable. "Tilt your phone up some more, I can't see your whole face."

Edwardo complied. "Michael, I'm very sorry I lied to my family about you. That was unforgivable. I never ever wanted to hurt you like that."

"Well it did hurt." Michael pouted. "It hurt a lot. It still hurts. And honestly, I'm not ready to forgive you for it. But- I also realize I need to apologize for my behavior. I tried to force you into having sex again, without asking if you were ready. That wasn't right of me, so... I'm sorry about that. You look... really hungover right now."

"I feel really hungover right now..."

After an awkward pause, Edwardo was the first to speak up. "I know my father was going to try and convince you to join us, but my brother told me you said it's unsafe for you to come? Don't you think I can keep you safe?"

"It's not that. My heat's supposed to start tomorrow."


"Yeah 'oh...'." Michael let out some of his frustration over the whole thing. "I would have loved to come, and I was waiting for you to invite me yourself, but I guess I can see why you didn't. It's bad enough I have to miss Christmas, you know!"

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