Mark Me Yours

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Scott sighed contentedly in his dream. He was surrounded by mountains of soft, fluffy pillows. Or were they clouds? It was hard to tell. Ryan was in his dream too. He loved dreaming about Ryan.

Dream Ryan was being particularly and delightfully naughty. Dream Ryan kept rubbing against his leg, a positively lewd expression on his face. Sometimes he and Dream Ryan had clothes on, sometimes they didn't. Scott could tell Dream Ryan was trying to say something, but he couldn't quite make out what it was. Dream Ryan seemed truly desperate, practically humping his thigh.

Scott loved dreams like this. He reached out, wanting to touch all the sensitive areas he knew would drive Ryan, and by extension Dream Ryan, absolutely crazy. But he couldn't move? Dream Ryan started kissing his face, and running his fingers through his chest hair. He wanted to tell Dream Ryan to do whatever he wanted with his body, but he couldn't talk either. So frustrating!

Dream Ryan was still desperately trying to tell him something, and some of his voice was finally coming through. "up... up... wake up..."

Around him the dream started to fall apart. Scott tried to grab and hold onto the threads of it just as desperately as Dream Ryan was trying to get off on him. He didn't want to wake up! He didn't want to leave his adorably horny Dream Ryan, it was just starting to get good!

"Wake up! I can't take it anymore!"

Ryan's desperate voice cut through the last bit of the dream's fog. Slowly Scott came back to reality. It was dark, sometime still in the middle of the night. The mattress was creaking rhythmically, and someone was licking his face. No, Ryan was licking his face. And, Ryan was humping his leg? Something smelled really good...

Ryan's heat! They'd stayed home the last few days waiting for it! Scott came awake practically all at once.

"Wake up!" Ryan demanded, shaking Scott now. "I need you inside me! I can't wait anymore! I need your d-"

Whatever Ryan was going to say was cut off by Scott's lips, and once Ryan realized that Scott was indeed, finally awake, all the effort he'd been using to control himself was thrown out the window. Ryan shifted so he was on top of Scott now, grinding his hips just as desperately as he was trying to devour Scott's tongue.

Scott was getting very, very drunk, very, very quickly. Ryan's pheromones invaded his senses and turned off all rational thought in his brain. Touch, smell, taste, sound, the sensitivity of everything increased exponentially. Ryan was in heat. His omega, his mate, was in heat. And now because of that, Scott was in rut.

Scott forcefully took control of the situation. He rolled over, pinning Ryan beneath him. The damned clothes had to go. They were in the way. A seam or two popped as Scott wrestled Ryan free of his sleep shirt and boxers. He definitely popped some stitches as he ripped his own bottoms off. There wasn't a thought in either's head for the welfare of their clothing. Not at a time like this.

Their lips crashed back together, and while Ryan's nails were busily digging into his shoulders, Scott got his now aching cock lined up with Ryan's absolutely dripping wet hole. There was no resistance going in. Ryan sucked him in greedily, wrapped his legs around him greedily, clung to him greedily.

Scott was ruthless in the initial attack unlike he'd ever been before. He forced Ryan's shoulders down into the mattress, pounding into his mate like his life depended on it. Everything was on fire with pleasure. Ryan was going to be his, and this time, nobody could stop him. He dared anyone to stop him.

Ryan gasped in pleasure with each thunk the headboard made when it collided with the wall. Without lighting in the room, Scott's darkness adjusted eyes were just able to make out the erotic expression on Ryan's face. Ryan was going to be his. He was going to make Ryan his.

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