It's Not Bragging, Right?

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"Made it here in one piece!" Scott announced as he strode into the foyer of his parents house. Even after moving out, Sunday was always reserved for family dinners.

"Ah, good!" his mother called from the kitchen, "Come in here and help me set the table! Dinner's almost ready!"

"Smells good!" He made his way to the kitchen. His childhood home was a nice two story place in the suburbs, complete with solid wood floors and a beautifully manicured lawn. His father and sister were busy with the last bit of dinner prep. "Sorry I'm late." He took the stack of plates from his mother and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Not late, just in time!" His father said, pulling a roast out of the oven.

"Scotty," his little sister chided, "you're always late just so you can get out; of cooking."

"Aw, come on now, Beth. If you want me to cook for you, all you have to do is say so."

She laughed. "If you cook then I'm stuck cleaning the food off the ceiling. You're better suited for dish duty."

"Fair enough. That was a freak accident though."

"All right you two," their mom called from the dining room, "Food's going to get cold if you don't get in here. Elizabeth, honey, grab the silverware for me please!"

"Yes ma'am."

In short order the table was set and the dinner was served. Scott's father Howard, a robust alpha with slick brown hair sat at the head. Either side of him sat his wife Gail and daughter Elizabeth. Scott took more after his mother, and Elizabeth their father. Scott took his place at the opposite end of the table.

"Alright everyone, dig in!" Howard said cheerfully, "Save room though, I brought home one of the bakery's custard cakes for dessert!"

The whole table ate with gusto. Scott loved Sundays. He loved his father's cooking. He loved being able to look across the table and see his family, to talk and joke with them. Most of all, he loved his father's desserts. Custard cake was near the top of his favorites list.

"So Beth," Scott began, "how's school coming? Still having problems with coding the attack sequence?"

"Nah, I figured out where I was going wrong. Now we're waiting on the art guy to finish the character skins though so we can test the movement."

Elizabeth was in her third year of college studying video game design. The major project this semester was to put together a working maze crawler. Her team was trying to be ambitious by adding enemy combat.

"So, you going to let me play it?"

"After I see what kind of grade I get. Working with this many people feels like herding cats. Do you know how hard it is to get an artist to meet a deadline?"

"With you leading the team, there's no way it can fail."

She smiled a little and stuck her tongue out at him.

"So Scott, anything new at work?" his mother asked.

"Nah," Scott replied, "Work's the same as always. I do have news though."

"Oh?" his father enquired, eyebrow raised.

"Remember that omega from the grocery store I told you about last week? I've got a date with him Tuesday. Well, we kinda already had a date, but it wasn't really a date. I was trying to apologize for what happened at treated him to a meal."

"So is my brother finally coming out of his dry spell?"

"Aw, that hurt!" Scott feigned grabbing his heart. "It's not like that. School just took priority for a while."

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