Payback Pt.2

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"Inside..." Ryan begged. "I want you inside..."

Scott couldn't resist teasing a little, especially when Ryan's voice sounded like that. "What do you want inside? You have to tell me..."

"Your dick..." Ryan played it up, well aware of this game and currently loving every minute of it."

"But, didn't you have my dick in you earlier...?"

"Scoooott-!" Ryan whined.

"I know, I know..." Scott chuckled and offered a placating kiss. "I've got an idea, so bear with me a sec, okay?"

Scott helped Ryan roll off of him before going to retrieve Ryan's foam support pillows from where they'd been so unceremoniously tossed on the floor that morning. Ryan wasn't too amused at first. He wasn't fond of them at all. They weren't very comfortable in his opinion, and he had been looking forward to finally throwing them out. Still, Ryan propped himself up on his side and watched with curiosity as Scott stacked the things together to make something like a cube. Scott also took the opportunity to move Ryan's teddy bear from its designated spot on Ryan's side of the bed.

"What's that for?" Ryan asked, his curiosity finally piqued. "I thought we were getting ready to fuck?"

Scott gave him a sly smile. "Oh, don't worry. I fully intend for us to go at it until we're both speaking foreign languages, but your arms aren't strong enough to hold you yet and I don't want to throw out your back now that you've finally started physical therapy. So... We let these keep you upright, and you let me do all the moving. Sound okay?"

Ryan could see the logic, but he wasn't convinced. Even after Scott helped him get positioned over the thing he wasn't entirely convinced. But, it was a good height to support his midsection, and it wasn't too uncomfortable to lay on like this. Ryan shifted and relaxed a little more. Eager to start, he gave Scott the okay.

Now, he'd expected Scott to go for one of the box of condoms they kept in either nightstand. Instead, he could feel the tickle of Scott's chest hair on his back, and the warmth of Scott's breath on his ears just before kissing them. Those delicate kisses traveled teasingly from his ears to his neck. Ryan hadn't worn his collar while alone in the apartment with Scott since he'd come home from the hospital. He figured it was silly to since they planned to mate anyway. Scott had barely touched his neck before except to wash it, but with the feel of those amazing lips against such a tender and important area Ryan couldn't help but moan.

"Just think, on your next heat, I'll leave my mark right here..." Scott punctuated his statement with a kiss directly over the gland responsible for the mating bond.

Ryan's toes curled in delight as another uncontrollable moan escaped him. "I don't like that I'll be alone again..."

"I know..." Scott kissed the spot a second time. "But it's for your safety..." a third kiss. "And you'll be awake this time..." a fourth kiss. "And you can bring your favorite sex toys..." a fifth kiss. "And I'll even wear the same shirt for a few days..." a sixth kiss, "so you can take that too..." a seventh kiss. "And then there's phone sex..." an eighth kiss...

Ryan had a harder and harder time paying attention to Scotts words with each subsequent kiss. With each one even he could tell his voice got a little bit higher, and he could feel that spring coiling up inside that demanded that last little push to send him over the edge. Scott didn't disappoint. Their fingers laced together as the kisses turned into licks. He just needed a little more! Just a little more! Ah! Ahn-! THERE!!!

Scott stayed hunched over Ryan as his fiance orgasmed, satisfied with his experiment. He'd read you could get an omega to cum by external stimulation of their mating gland, and he certainly had no doubt of it now. Ryan was panting, and his skin sparkled with a fine sheen of sweat. It was adorable, and incredibly sexy... Scott's own body had already been expertly satisfied earlier, so even if he was raring to go again he was willing to take his time.

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