Shh... Don't Speak

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Tuesday again, date night! And the grocery shift was finally over! Ryan stored his apron and started retrieving his things from his locker. All there was left to do was to catch a quick nap, then it would be time to hang out with Scott again. As difficult as this new addition to his schedule was, Ryan was starting to get used to it. It was tough, but he certainly didn't run out of energy as fast anymore.

He checked the time on his phone. The "new text" icon flashed at the top of the screen. Who could have possibly texted him? Mick was bound to be passed out by now, having worked the same overnight shift he did, and Scott wasn't the kind to send stuff out of the blue on a work day. He tapped the notification.

SCOTT: [I have to cancel our date. I came down with strep throat.]

Ryan's spirit took a little nosedive. "Aww, he's sick?" He muttered aloud. What was strep throat anyway? He did a quick search. Every hit indicated it was "painful" and "highly contagious."

Ryan frowned. Was Scott okay? He dialed up the phone, and was sent to voicemail after two rings. Almost immediately, he got a new text.

SCOTT: [Hurts to talk]
SCOTT: [Text instead]

RYAN: [Are you okay? Do you need anything? I'm still at Dean's]

SCOTT: [I got some steroid shots this morning. I'll be okay by tomorrow]

RYAN: [Not what I asked]
RYAN: [Do you need anything right now?]

SCOTT: [I PROMISE I'm okay. I'm just taking it easy today]
SCOTT: [Different doctor's orders]

RYAN: [Do you own a knife and a large pot?]

SCOTT: [...Why?]
SCOTT: [I do, but how is that pertinent?]

RYAN: [Text me your address]

SCOTT: [...]
SCOTT: [No.]
SCOTT: [I'm contagious right now. I don't want you to catch this]

RYAN: [I'll get a mask]
RYAN: [Did you eat yet?]
RYAN: [My Nanna had this recipe she cooked whenever I had a cold. I'm not as good as she was, but I come close!]
RYAN : [I promise I'll be careful]

Scott took a long time to respond. The messages indicated that they had been read, did Ryan overstep somehow? He sat at the break room table, waiting. He fiddled with his collar, waiting for the moving ellipsis to show Scott was responding.

On the other end of the line, Scott was having a terrible moral dilemma. He ABSOLUTELY wanted to see Ryan. His throat HURT and he was MISERABLE! And, it would be the first time his boyfriend was IN HIS HOUSE! On top of all that, Ryan wanted to cook for him!

OMG the thought of his boyfriend cooking for him was just... Was it all reason enough to chance Ryan catching this mess? But, maybe if Ryan came over, he would be up for some cuddling? Heaven knows that was the one thing Scott was craving the most right now. It would be SO nice to snooze on the couch, wrapped around Ryan like he was a teddy bear. But that was a terrible idea! They haven't even kissed much, would Ryan be okay with something like that? Nevermind that, being in such close proximity was a surefire way for both of them to have strep. But Ryan was offering... And it would be so nice...

SCOTT: [Fine. But I'm wearing a mask too.]


Ryan was on a mission. Scott had sent him his address, and he'd already calculated the best route. It should take him twenty minutes by bus to get from the grocery to Scott's neighborhood, then three blocks to Scott's building. He lived surprisingly close... Well, maybe not, but relatively close-ish.

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