Waiting Is The Hardest Part

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Scott burst into the emergency room, nearly sprinting to the front desk. Still in his pajama pants, he'd thrown on whatever shirt was closest, and his coat, before rushing out of his apartment. He even forgot to put on socks. Considering it was still the middle of the night, the waiting room was empty.

"May I help you, sir-" the receptionist began.

"My fiance was just admitted! His name is Ryan Neel..." He was fighting to appear calm. "Please, can you tell me anything?"

"Just a moment, sir. Could you spell that last name for me?"

Scott raked his hands through his hair anxiously as he complied with the receptionist's question. He could have sworn ten whole minutes passed as he waited for information, but it couldn't have been more than a few seconds.

"Neel... Neel... Ryan Neel... Ah, here he is! Looks like he's still in surgery. If you like, you can wait in the family waiting room. It's down the hall there, take the first right, then ride the elevators to the third floor. Someone will let you know as soon as there are any changes."

Scott fished his medical I.D. from his pocket, verifying his credentials with a shaking hand. "I'm Dr. Scott Kranston. Can you tell me if Dr. Benri is attending tonight?"

"Let's see... Ah, yes. He is in attendance tonight. I can let him know you're here?"

"Please. Thank you."

Scott's thoughts raced as he followed the directions up to the waiting room. Surgery? Ryan was hurt that bad? He could feel his heart palpitate. There was the overwhelming need to DO something. What could he do? He was no surgeon! You need him to treat an STD, fine! But now, he was useless! Too much energy...! Not enough air to breathe...! Wasn't there something he could do?!


Scott made it to the waiting room, and was broken out of his spiraling thoughts by a voice he'd only heard a few times before. Sitting on one of the chairs, hospital blanket around his shoulders, was Ryan's friend Michael. It was hard not to miss the bright hair, but even with the situation being what it was, Scott was surprised that he seemed to be wearing such normal clothes. And, his hair was damp.

Scott ran over and got down on his knees, pleading, "What happened? Please! Tell me what happened!"

Michael's eyes were glassy as he recounted the story with a spacy monotoned voice, staring down at his hands the whole time. He told Scott about the abuse they were facing at work. About Ryan going off to help line up a forklift, and how the new guy gave off bad vibes. He told Scott about the horrible crashing sound that made the whole warehouse come running. He told him about seeing Ryan's shoe sticking out of the pile of boxes, and the frantic rush to unbury him.

Big, fat tears rolled down Michael's cheeks as he told Scott that the guy on the forklift was laughing... That other employees were laughing... Michael started shaking as a sob wracked his chest.

"Things don't bend that way!" Michael cried. "There was so much blood! I got covered in my best friend's blood and they were FUCKING LAUGHING!"

Scott was furious. Hearing the story, all he could see was red. He wanted to find these people and pay them back tenfold. He wanted to break something, throw something, anything to ease this rage that filled him. HIS Ryan was hurt! He needed to do something about it!

But what could he do? He was no surgeon. And, he needed to be here for his fiance. They didn't know how bad the damage was. Ryan needed him here. Surely the police were involved, and if they weren't, Scott had a really good lawyer that would make sure they were. He slowly came back to his senses. There was only one thing he could do right now.

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