Stay With Me

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"Michael, you don't have to force yourself."

Edwardo said it out of concern. Michael had barely gotten the tip in, and it was clear how uncomfortable he was. The fact that he'd lost his own erection was a dead giveaway.

"I'm not giving up," Michael grit his teeth, sliding down a little further. "You're just bigger... than the toys I'm used to..."

Edwardo wracked his brain trying to think of a way to help. It's not like he could magically make himself smaller, but his Dulcito was obviously not enjoying himself anymore. Edwardo slid one of his hands up, letting his thumb slip under Michael's bikini top to find the nipple hiding there. The surprised gasp was encouragement enough to continue with the teasing, so he slid his other hand up to make sure he was providing a proper distraction.

Michael had both hands braced on Edwardo's chest, both delighting in the feeling of having his nipples played with for the first time and trying to focus on relaxing his pelvic floor. His thighs were trembling at having to hold an odd angle for such a long time. Relax. He just needed to relax. If he could relax, they could get to the stuff that really felt good. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly... just in time for his legs to give out.

Michael turned white as a sheet as he suddenly took Edwardo's full length inside him. He let his head fall on Edwardo's shoulder.

"Michael! Michael, are you okay?" Edwardo was frantic.

"I'm okay..." came the strained, high-pitched response.

Edwardo rubbed Michael's back. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Just... give me a minute..." Michael croaked.

Edwardo continued rubbing Michael's back and stroking his hair. Michael's insides were hot and tight, and he was fighting every instinct that told him to push Michael down and take control of the situation. They'd finally gotten this far, he was not about to be one of 'those' alphas.

"I'm okay..." Michael coughed, sitting himself back up. His color looked better, but there were obvious tears in his eyes.

Edwardo wiped them away gently. "Does it hurt?"

"A little... but I'll live..."

"Are you sure you want to keep going?"

"Yeah, I just need some more time to get used to it before we start moving."

Well, Edwardo was NOT about to let his Michael keep hurting if there was anything he could do about it. He resumed his nipple teasing, pushing Michael's top up and out of the way to get better access. Ever so slightly, he could feel Michael relax around his shaft.

"That feels good, Papi," Michael moaned. "Please don't stop."

Emboldened by Michael's response, Edwardo decided to take it further. He leaned in, and flicked his tongue against Michael's chest, earning him fresh gasps of pleasure. As he licked and suckled, the hand he freed up moved southward to that beautiful fluffy mass of copper curls. Flaccid, Michael's dick wasn't nearly as long as Edwardo's palm, but some stroking gave it an inch or so.

"Don't stop!" Michael moaned. "Don't stop! Don't stop! Please, Papi! Don't Stop!"

Edwardo was only too happy to oblige, especially when Michael started doing some grinding of his own. It felt good. It felt so good. He paused momentarily in his nipple ministrations to look at Michael's face. Sure enough, his omega's nose was going that cute little crinkle thing he's hoped it would. He was making his omega feel good. He was taking his omega's first time. He dove back into his tasks with even more enthusiasm, rewarded by Michael's grinding turning into little bounces.

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