Maybes and Some Days and Sometimes

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The alarm was going off on somebody's phone. Both of their phones? Either way, it was noisy. They hadn't moved much since the night before, Ryan was splayed out over Scott, who's hand happened to find it's way back to Ryan's ass in the night. That blasted alarm clock happened to interrupt two separate pleasant dreams.

"Uhnn... Morning already...?" Ryan asked sleepily.

"Yeah..." Scott responded in kind, his tone slightly irritated.

They both reached for their phones to turn them off, neither wanting to break contact, and neither able to reach without doing so. With a groan, Ryan slid off of Scott's chest and they both shimmied to their respective nightstands to quiet their alarms. Ryan stretched, popping his back, and Scott reached out to pull him close again, burying his face against Ryan's collar.

"We need to get out of bed..." Scott mumbled.

"I know..."

"We need to get going if we're going to get breakfast..."

"Or I could cook and we could stay here longer...?"

"I don't have anything to cook..."

"No eggs...?"

"And I'm out of oatmeal..."

"I guess we should get up then..." Ryan turned so they were face to face, giving Scott a little kiss. "Good morning, Cuddle Bug.

"Good morning, Hot Stuff." Scott sighed contentedly. "I could get used to this, waking up next to you."

Ryan brushed Scott's hair back. It was surprisingly silky, he must use a lot of gel to get it styled for work. The gesture sent a shiver down Scott's spine.

"Seriously, if we don't get up we'll be stuck with fast food, and I would really prefer french toast with bacon." Scott sat up and stretched himself, feeling several things pop. "You want the bathroom first?"

The promise of food was enough to get them going. Scott didn't press when Ryan changed behind the bathroom door, even though they came close to something much more intimate the night before. Even if, in all honesty, he wouldn't mind getting to see Ryan's ass again, some things you just couldn't rush. Sometimes, the timing had to be right.

Ryan on the other hand, had his wheels turning all morning about what happened the night before. He decided that yes, he was ready for things to go to the next level. What he was stuck on was the other bit of information Scott had given him.

Both now dressed, they made their way from the apartment to the parking garage, hand in hand. Scott had braided Ryan's hair again, and was not only carrying his work bag, but Ryan's overnight bag as well. Scott glanced over at his boyfriend, who appeared lost in thought.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Let's... get to your car first... It's kinda personal."

There wasn't anyone around, but Scott could pick out that tiny tinge of pink that was so hard to see against Ryan's skin tone. They didn't pick the subject up again until they were in the car and out of the parking garage.

"So, what were you thinking about?"

"About last night, and that stuff you told me... About you being turned on by pee..."

"Have you decided it bothers you, after all? If it does, then I don't mind-"

"-It's not that it bothers me, it's just... Have you ever... had fantasies... about me...?"

Ryan's hand squeezed Scott's where they were linked over the center console as always. Scott's face took on a bit of a rosy hue.

"I- well, I-" Scott stammered, "I- I have... I'm sorry."

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