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"Wanna go... t' your house..." Michael mumbled pathetically.

"Okay, we'll go hang out at my house for a while." Edwardo leaned in to kiss Michael's forehead. "Let's get you buckled in, okay? And here, let's put the seat back a little so you can relax."

Michael didn't fight any of it, letting Edwardo move him around like a ragdoll. After getting Michael situated, Edwardo caressed his boyfriend's face affectionately before removing his coat to drape it over Michael's body. Only once Michael was situated to his satisfaction did he close the door and get in on the driver's side.

"Alright, off to my place we go!" Edwardo said cheerfully. "Just leave everything to me!"

Michael curled around in the seat so he was facing Edwardo. His head was all muddled and fuzzy, and exhaustion pulled greedily at his consciousness. After the car got moving, Edwardo offered him his hand to hold, and Michael took it like a lifeline. It was so much easier to focus on the sensation of Edwardo's thumb rubbing the back of his hand than it was to focus on the myriad of other stimuli in the car.

"Don't force yourself to stay awake." Edwardo said. "Those things burn a ton of energy. And if you're feeling nauseous, try burping. You end up swallowing a lot of air when you hyperventilate like you did. It'll make you feel better to get that pressure out."

All Edwardo got in response was a very quiet burp. He kept caressing Michael's hand as he drove, occasionally stealing glances at his boyfriend to see how he was doing. Michael's eyes stayed peeked open the whole drive, even though Edwardo had encouraged him to get some sleep. Oh well. Edwardo had a feeling once he'd been able to get Michael set up in a soft bed with a warm drink, and maybe a snack if he was interested, Sleep would come for Michael whether he wanted it or not.

Edwardo finally pulled into his neighborhood, and in no time was in his driveway, then further on into his garage.

"Ready to go inside?" Edwardo asked, noticing Michael was still awake.

Michael nodded, letting Edwardo have his hand back before sitting the seat up and opening the car door. He'd barely managed to get out of the car before Edwardo was right there next to him. Next thing he knew he was in the air, and then being situated on Edwardo's hip.

"Hey-! Put me down...! I'm feeling okay now..."

Edwardo gently pressed Michael's head down on his shoulder. "You know once Essie sees you're here, she'll be all over you. I don't want her to knock you over. Just let me spoil you a little, okay?"

Michael grumbled his complaint, but it was easy enough to relax against Edwardo's shoulder. His head hurt, and even though he tried to follow Edwardo's advice in the car with the burping thing, he was still a little nauseous. He snuggled into Edwardo's neck, finding comfort in his boyfriend's smell. It'd been a while since he thought about it, but Edwardo was really strong. His entire weight was being supported by a single arm under him. He was so tired... Edwardo's heartbeat sounded clearly in his ear. If Edwardo kept holding him like this, maybe he could keep his nightmares away long enough to get some real rest. If anything, they were worse now than they were after Ryan's attack. Why'd they have to get so vivid...

Edwardo couldn't help the massive shot of endorphins he'd gotten when he felt Michael nuzzle into his neck. He hadn't been able to pinpoint what it was Michael was so worried about, but Michael's panic attack earlier was overwhelming evidence his boyfriend was under way too much stress. Maybe it was everything? If that was the case, then a huge part of the blame fell on him, too. That thought alone was enough to sober him up to the severity of the situation. He rubbed Michael's back and gave him a little squeeze before going to the door and finally carrying Michael inside.

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