Let's Start Over

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Edwardo was broken from his musings by Essie running past him and out her doggie door to the yard, where she promptly squatted and did her business. He couldn't get her to leave Michael's side at all this morning, not even for breakfast, so if she was up that must mean...

Edwardo spun around to face the living room. Sure enough, there on the stairs was his very small house guest. The clothes he'd been dressed in last night were just as oversized as Edwardo remembered, with the borrowed drawstring shorts going well past Michael's knees and the shirt hanging loosely off one shoulder. Edwardo's heart skipped a beat. Michael was beautiful, even looking a bit hungover.

Michael stood awkwardly at the bottom of the stairs. Sultry music was playing, some kind of love song maybe? It was in Spanish, so he couldn't tell. The place was huge! The ceiling vaulted high above his head, and one of the walls was occupied by a fireplace with a huge television mounted above it. Hardwood floors, plush leather furniture, expensive-looking artwork... and a ton of natural light. The source of that light was an equally impressive glass atrium complete with a pool of all things! And framed in that natural light... was the most gorgeous man he'd ever seen, straddled on a weightlifting machine, in a tank top.

Michael tried to keep a straight face. It was perfect. It was all so perfect. Everything he'd ever dreamed about was right here. And he ruined it. He just knew he did.

Essie came running back inside and beelined straight for Michael, tail wagging happily. It helped break the tension. Edwardo stammered out a "good morning," which Michael responded to timidly. Michael wanted to leave. He hated awkward situations like this. The sooner he got his clothes back, the sooner he could go home, the sooner he could cry into his pillow. Edwardo turned the music off with a remote and made his way over to him. Michael was once again struck by their height difference. And his muscles, well they were every bit as impressive as Michael could have ever hoped.

Michael cut Edwardo off before he could have a chance to speak. "Look, I don't really remember what happened last night, but if you tell me where my clothes are I'll leave and promise not to bother you again."

Leave? Edwardo didn't want him to leave! He needed to apologise for last night... "Why don't we talk over some breakfast? How do you like your eggs?"

Michael allowed himself to be led to the kitchen, which was just as impressive as everything else he'd seen of the house. Granite countertops, marble floors, trendy spot lighting, expensive appliances... and the range was in an island right in the middle of it. Michael found himself sat on a barstool at that island, a steaming cup of fresh coffee in his hands, as his crush was busily preparing breakfast in front of him. Off to the side of the room, Essie was noisily eating her own breakfast from a customized raised food bowl stand. It was a wonderful setting, and Michael very firmly reminded himself how exceedingly temporary it was.

"So about your clothes," Edwardo began as he opened a pack of chorizo while waiting for the pans to heat up, "they won't be ready until this afternoon. They got very messy last night, so I had my valet take them to the dry cleaners. I figured it'd be a shame if they got ruined because of my stupid mistake."

"I don't even remember them getting messed up..." Michael sipped his coffee and rubbed his temples. They were still throbbing a little, and the lighting in here was just the tiniest bit too bright. "What exactly happened last night?"

"We shared about a third of a bottle of tequila and you almost puked on me as soon as we got home. You ended up passing out in the bathroom while I was helping you get cleaned up. I take full responsibility. The whole thing was entirely my fault."

Michael pillowed his head in his arms on the countertop. How embarrassing!

Edwardo went on, "Essie over there wouldn't leave your side the entire time. She pretty much cried and fussed until I got you in bed. I've never seen her act like that with anyone before. It was cute."

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