Happy Birthday

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Heavy. What was so heavy? One of his arms was pinned down. Ryan peeked his eyes open. He didn't recognize his surroundings at first, then it hit him that he was in a hotel. Scott had taken him to the beach. Speaking of... Scott was the heavy thing. He was half sprawled over top of him, his breaths tickling Ryan's ear. Ryan tried very carefully to get his arm back without waking Scott, working it free a little at a time.

When they got back last night they continued with some of the experimentation, with much greater success than their poor first attempt at outdoor sex. Scott had packed a vibrator wand, and let's just say he more than made up for getting his rocks off while his fiance froze. And then some. It was a good thing there were so few people in the hotel.

Careful though Ryan was, he woke Scott anyway. They repositioned to be a little more mutually comfortable, enjoying lying abed together, while Scott tried to rub away the pins and needles in Ryan's arm.

"Happy birthday, Cuddle Bug! Love you!" Ryan mumbled. He still wasn't completely awake. He planted a kiss on his fiance's lips.

"Aww, thank you, Hot Stuff." Scott was maybe just a little less awake than Ryan was.

They cuddled for a little before Scott started insisting they had to get up. Mostly because he didn't want to miss the hotel's breakfast, but also because he'd had a lot planned for today. He still wasn't giving Ryan any clues. And thus, they got up and got dressed. Scott had the honor of wearing the "Birthday Boy" pin yet again, making it feel even more official since today was his actual birthday.

Ryan was very glad they didn't skip the hotel's breakfast. There was a waffle maker! And it made seashell shaped waffles! There were a lot of other things available too, a chef taking egg orders for example, but the waffles were so cool! He ate two of them. There were maybe three other families in the lounge, and after all the noise he and Scott made last night, he secretly prayed they were standing on different floors.

After breakfast came a little bit of a drive, mostly following the shoreline, and in the opposite direction they went in for dinner the night before. When Ryan pressed for where they were going, Scott just kept saying, "It's a surprise."

Ryan did his best to wait patiently, but he was buzzing with excitement. Hotels gave way to fancy houses, then restaurants and swim shops, and then Scott turned inland, and it was the same chain stores they had in the city. This couldn't be what Scott was keeping so secret, could it?

He didn't have to wonder too much longer. Scott pulled in to a huge parking lot that surrounded what appeared to be an enormous collection of strip malls, with a few larger stand alone buildings.

"We're here!" Scott said triumphantly. "Well, kinda. But trust me. This is one of the coolest places I know about. You're going to love it!"

Ryan tried to keep an open mind as they walked up to the first group of buildings. It was almost cold, but not quite, not too bad if you had a jacket. Scott brought a backpack with him, saying only that it made it easier to shop and that it had something in it they'd need for later.

They stopped to look at the directory, and though there were many names that Ryan already recognized, most of the stores he'd never heard of. Apparently this place was an outlet mall? Why was there an "Attractions" category if it was a mall? Before Ryan could get a good look at everything, Scott had found what he was looking for and pulled him away by the hand.

"I thought I parked in the right spot!" Scott said cheerfully. "We've got two VERY IMPORTANT things to do here, and the whole day to do them! Oh, and we'll check out some of the stores too! There's one in particular that you simply can't miss!"

Ryan let himself be drug along. This place did seem pretty neat, and Scott was obviously excited. They passed a few stores Ryan wouldn't mind peeping in to, if only for curiosity, on their way to the first destination.

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