Morning After

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You know that feeling when you wake up with a headache and a rocky stomach and a nasty taste in your mouth in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room and you really can't remember what happened the night before for a few minutes? Yeah. That's what Michael was going through right now. The room was graciously dark. He was propped over on his side with a towel under his face, and his back was against something big and warm. Wasn't he on a date last night? He totally was. He went on a date with Edwardo, his crush, hottest guy in the city, with the most sexy eyebrows and beautiful voice. He tried to initiate sex in the limo, going off something he'd seen in a porno...

Alcohol... A bottle of alcohol got opened, and Michael didn't remember much after that. Did... they have sex? Was his first time actually with the man of his dreams and he couldn't remember? He didn't feel any different, and he wasn't sore anywhere. That said, he couldn't smell Edwardo in the sheets at all. The only smell was... dog? Right, Edwardo told him he had a dog. He rolled over and sat up slowly, resting against the headboard. Even in the dark he could make out the large canine silhouette next to him. The rest of the bed was undisturbed. He slept alone last night. And the comically oversized clothes he was in weren't his, from the wonderful smell they had to be Edwardo's. The dog let out a groaning noise and rolled over, wiggling to get back close to him. Their tail thumped loudly against the bed.

"I think I messed up." He whispered as he rubbed the animal's chest. "Looks like it's the walk of shame for me..."

He checked the time on his phone, which was helpfully plugged in on a cluttered nightstand next to him. It was already way later than he usually slept. At least he somehow remembered to text his parents he was staying the night. He turned the bedside lamp on, wincing back from the sudden brightness. The light revealed an absolute godsend on the table's contents, a glass with seltzer tab packets, and a bottle of water. He gratefully prepped the medicine, chugging it as soon as it was ready. There was also a handwritten note on the table which apologized for last night, gave directions to the bathroom, and told him to come downstairs when he was ready. It even apologized for "Essie" not wanting to leave him alone.

Michael looked over at his bed companion. Definitely a girl. She was a grey pit bull with a white spot on her chest. Half of her left ear was missing, and she had a big scar running down her nose. He remembered Edwardo saying she was a fighting ring rescue. Given her demeanor and the sheer number of rhinestones set in her pink leather collar, her life had to be pretty good now, right?

"Heh, your collar's even fancier than mine, huh?"

Michael rotated his collar around so the lacings were back in the front. Whatever had happened last night, he was grateful he still had it. It wasn't comfortable to sleep in, but the fact that it was still on had to have something to say about Edwardo's character, right? He caught Essie's name tag glinting in the lamp light.

"Aww, even your tag has sparkles? Your daddy's got good taste, doesn't he?" He flipped the tag to read it. "Princessa Bonita Esperanza... I can see why he calls you Essie. Are you daddy's little princess?"

Essie's tail wagged even harder, and she grumbled like she was responding to him, with a big panting grin on her face making him chuckle a bit. He gladly resumed gentle belly rubs as he sipped what was left in the water bottle. The seltzer tabs were starting to kick in, gradually making life more tolerable. He'd have to leave the room eventually, to pee if nothing else. He must have been really drunk last night to not remember anything. He wasn't looking forward to seeing Edwardo. It was going to be awkward as hell.


Edwardo sat at his workout machine, working his arms with the bar and pully system attached to the adjustable weights. Last night was going great, that is, until he freaked out. He messed up. He messed up so hard. Working out usually let him get his thoughts together, almost like meditation. He could either count the reps and let his mind go blank, or lose himself in the repetitive motions while he let his thoughts wander. The latter was what he was currently engaged in. He had music playing softly over his speaker system, not wanting to wake his guest upstairs. His very beautiful guest upstairs. His very beautiful guest upstairs who he'd gotten totally smashed on his father's alcohol...

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