Public Opinion

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"You want to get a snack before we hunt down a hairdresser with an opening?" Scott asked.

"We ate before we came!" Ryan grinned. "You're hungry again?"

After they left the jewelry store they'd parked in a spot out of the way of foot traffic to get themselves put together. Ryan had been wearing a coat since they came inside, but he was getting warm, so Scott helped him take it off and he stowed it in the backpack hanging from the back of the wheelchair. Ryan still refused to take off the hat, and wasn't quite looking forward to the haircut, since he wasn't sure he was ready for someone else to see his scar. Never mind that it stopped scabbing up a week ago, never mind that Scott said it healed cleanly, or that it "didn't look that bad," it made him more self-conscious than his casts did. He knew it was silly. The casts were WAY more obvious. He just couldn't help it.

"I'm not saying I'm hungry," Scott insisted, "It's only that the game store took a lot of time, and we may have to circle the whole mall to find a barber with an opening, and that mini doughnut kiosk smells really, REALLY good! If I get some, you'll share them with me, right?"

Ryan smiled up at his fiance. It was obvious to him how much effort Scott was putting in today, all for his sake. Somehow, it was getting easier and easier to play along. "If you get some, I promise to eat one or two, okay?"

Scott leaned over to give Ryan a quick kiss, then they were back in the flow of the mall's foot traffic headed over to the mini doughnut kiosk. There was a small line, and a wait afterwards since they were making everything fresh to order. Scott procured a table nearby, and moved some chairs out of the way to have room to park Ryan. They didn't have to wait too long before their order number was called, and before too long Scott had retrieved a small steaming bag of fresh doughnuts dusted in powdered sugar.

Ryan got first pick once Scott laid out some napkins for the two of them, not that it mattered too much since all the treats were the same. Ryan even went above and beyond in his promise, eating a total of two and a half of the things, earning him another kiss for his efforts. After a quick cleanup, it was time to start their hunt for a hairdresser. Or, so Ryan had thought.

"I'm going to need a quick bathroom break before anything else I think. How about you? You gotta go?" Scott asked Ryan quietly.

"Nah, I'm good. I'd much rather wait until we're back home."

"You sure? Depending on how things go, we could be here a bit longer?"

"I'm sure!" Ryan insisted with a smile that told Scott not to push it.

Scott got the message quickly. "Let me know if you change your mind."

They made their way to the restrooms at the food court, since that was the only location with family restrooms, and Scott was hesitant to leave Ryan alone. It was a nice setup, with a hallway separating it from the business of the mall proper, vending machines, a small lounge area, a breastfeeding room, and of course a few family restrooms in addition to the male and female restrooms. To their dismay when they got there one of the family rooms was occupied, and the other was out of order. Scott groaned a little.

"Cuddle bug, you look a little pale, are you feeling okay?" Ryan asked when Scott checked the handle of the 'out of order' room.

"I'm fine, I'm just, you know when you eat a lot, and you have to 'go' right away? It's called a gastrocolic reflex-" Scott grabbed his stomach with his hand.

"Hey, park me in that corner and go do what you gotta do." Ryan ordered. "I'll be fine here by myself for a little bit. There's plenty of people around, but I think you're actually starting to sweat."

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