Obligatory Beach Episode

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"You want want me to what?!" Ryan couldn't believe his ears.

"I want you to go to the beach with me! For my birthday!" Scott repeated excitedly.


That conversation led to the current situation. It was a sunny Friday afternoon in October and they were driving through the middle of nowhere on their way to the beach. The conditions were that Ryan had to accept money for the work he was going to miss, and that he wasn't allowed to pickup any spare shifts. It took some convincing. A lot of convincing. And puppy dog eyes. Ryan caved eventually.

Ryan was actually a little excited about the trip, enough so that he had some trouble getting to sleep the night before for the first time in forever. He'd never been to the beach before. His grandparents hadn't owned a car to make the drive, and it was too far away to be a trip by bus. Besides, they wouldn't have been able to afford a hotel. Scott was keeping the itinerary a surprise, but he did let slip that their room was going to have an ocean view.

The scenery was rather pretty, the trees along the highway were ablaze in reds and oranges. Ryan was having a hard time focusing on that though. He fidgeted in his seat, hand in his lap. They'd passed a gas station a while ago, and he hadn't seen a sign for another one. He was regretting the bottled tea he drank. His discomfort hadn't gone unnoticed.

"What's wrong, Hot Stuff?" Scott asked.

"Is there a gas station or rest stop or something coming up soon? I reeeealy gotta pee."

That sentence was just enough to tickle Scott's horny switch. "Let's see..." he drawled, "We passed that one about half an hour ago... But there's nothing on this road for about another hour... I could turn back, but it would add an extra hour to the drive. Or, do you think you can hold it until we get in to town?"

"I'm not sure I can hold it long enough to make it back to the first one." Ryan admitted, letting his leg bounce shamelessly. "It hit me all of a sudden. I really, really, really have to go."

"Well," Scott teased, "I've got my empty cup from when we stopped for snacks?"

"I don't want to ride around with a container of piss! Just pull over, I'll go pee in the grass!" Ryan pleaded.

"Hm... I wonder if we should get some diapers for the return tri-"

"Geese." Ryan said quietly. "I love you, but please don't say you want to see me use a diaper."

Scott diverted his attention from the road long enough to get a good look at his fiance. He thought they were exchanging banter, that Ryan was playing up on his kink considering the purpose of this trip, and the fact that they were discussing birthday related bedroom activity off and on since they first pulled out of the city. He was wrong. Ryan seemed small and vulnerable in the seat next to him. Just then, he remembered the notation in Ryan's medical records.

"I'm sorry," Scott apologized, immediately pulling the car over.

Ryan hopped out and dashed his way to the tree line. At least they were the only car on the road at the moment. Scott watched out for him from the driver's seat, his naughty thoughts quickly disappearing. How could he have forgotten something like that? He'd dedicated a small portion of his luggage to some different things he was hoping to experiment with this weekend, and he made a mental note to hide away the small pack of adult diapers he'd bought. His office supply closet could use the donation.

Ryan took a while in coming back. It could be that his bladder was really that full, or it could be that he was trying to calm himself down, it was hard to tell. When Ryan finally did get back to the car, he was quiet and meek.

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