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Edwardo did his very best to not run into any walls on the way to the master bedroom. Tripping over the dog was also a hazard. Somehow, he'd managed to get his precious cargo all the way to their destination unscathed. He laid Michael on the bed, breaking their mouth contact long enough to gaze lustily at the sweet treat he was about to devour.

Michael's heart was going a mile a minute! It was happening! It was finally happening! Before Edwardo could latch on to his lips again he signaled to him to wait a second, slowly removing his pants to reveal that he was wearing the entire candy cane striped getup from the photo set. Michael figured, what more could an alpha ask for?

Edwardo salivated at what lay before him. It was a fantasy cherry picked from his own wet dreams! He tried to go in for more, but Michael frustratingly made him wait again!

"Uh-Ah Papi!" Michael teased. "You wanna touch, then I need to see some skin too!"

Edwardo desperately and hastily removed his shirt, probably popping a button or two in the process. Ms. Princessa Bonita Esperanza kept jumping around the bed, which was proving distracting. But with Michael's demand met he eagerly got back to the task at hand.

Edwardo practically crashed against Michael's lips as soon as Michael gave permission. This was so exciting! And just a little scary... Michael closed his eyes, trying to be as yielding as possible. Somehow Edwardo had pinned both of his arms to the bed above his head with one hand in a grip just shy of hurting, while Edwardo's other hand was delicately tracing the lines of the harness. Essie was yipping and growling, which made for an odd counterpoint to the sloppy wet sounds of Michael and Eddie's kissing.

All of a sudden Michael was very physically flipped over, his face shoved into the mattress and hips braced against the side of the bed. This wasn't quite how he wanted to do this. Edwardo still had one of his arms pinned, though his grip was much stronger now. It hurt. Michael psyched himself up. He pushed his hips up invitingly. Once things got underway, he knew everything would start feeling good! There was the sound of a zipper. Not too much longer now! Edwardo's grip suddenly loosened, and Michael could tell he'd backed off. Why? They were just getting started!

Michael turned on his side and spared a moment to rub his sore wrist. This wasn't going anything like he'd imagined it would, not that he was ready to give up. He turned again so he was laying on his back, and tried to make the most seductive pose he could manage.

"You have to be gentle, Papi..." Michael cooed. "It's my first time, you know..."

Edwardo sat on the edge of the bed and buried his head in his hands. "I can't do this."

Michael pouted. That wasn't the reaction he wanted at all. He sat up and caressed Edwardo's shoulders. Essie had calmed down and was whining, resting her head against Michael's knees.

"You've got nothing to worry about." Michael assured. "Let's try again. Maybe start off a little slower this time? You can let me take the lead. I've got great riding muscles!"

"No, I can't do this." Edwardo repeated firmly.

"Well why not?" Michael tried not to sound disappointed, even though he was. "Does it still bug you that I'm a man? Being an omega makes me the same as a woman on the inside, you know."

Edwardo used what he thought was a good excuse. "That's not the issue. I don't have any condoms. What if you get pregnant?"

Michael wasn't letting him get away that easily. "I'm on birth control for my skin. You don't have to worry about me getting pregnant."

Michael started planting a few nibbling kisses on Edwardo's shoulder, hoping to get the mood back up again. It was easy to see that Edwardo was still turned on by the way his underwear was bulging out of his unzipped pants. They've gotten this far, why was he resisting so hard?

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