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Edwardo waited patiently for Michael to finish his meeting with the city's creative planning department. With his entire afternoon open, he wasn't about to miss out on a prime date opportunity. Besides, he remembered Michael saying something about his friend's court case starting soon, and how he was supposed to testify as a witness. Once that got started they'd miss out on their afternoon activities for sure. Edwardo had offered to go to the courthouse with him as moral support, but Michael insisted he could handle it.

Edwardo wasn't too sure about that though. Sure, on the outside Michael seemed as cheerful and spunky as ever, but Edwardo had a sneaking suspicion at least some of it was getting to him. In fact, Michael hadn't quite seemed right since their fight. Granted, they still hadn't officially made up, and they haven't gotten to spend much time together since Edwardo got back, but something was definitely off.

His first clue was at Michael's friend's dinner. With a few years' experience wearing makeup for the camera at his work, he could tell Michael had applied a lot more of it under his eyes than he usually did. Plus, he ate way less than usual. Edwardo would have just chalked it up to Michael maybe not feeling well that day, but even today in his father's office he could tell something wasn't quite right. Even though Michael acted bright and alert, his eyes definitely told a different story. He had that same heavy natural makeup on today too.

Needless to say, Edwardo was determined to get to the bottom of it and make things alright again, even if Michael was still mad at him.

"Thanks! I'll work on those and send them over to you!" Michael came out of the meeting room with a last goodbye to the city's creative planning team. He was holding a sizeable packet of papers in his arms, and was genuinely surprised when he turned to see Edwardo waiting on him.

"I'll carry those for you." Edwardo took the papers with a smile. "It'll be a few days before my father can get your security detail worked out again, so I was wondering if I could take you out for a late lunch before I drop you off at home?"

Michael wasn't exactly hungry. Quite the opposite, in fact. But he knew he needed to eat, and if he refused he knew it was bound to make Edwardo worry. With everything going on, maybe a little distraction was just what he needed? He agreed with what he hoped passed for enthusiasm, and after making sure his coat was fastened against the cold, allowed himself to be led out to Edwardo's car.

"Anywhere in particular you want to go?" Edwardo asked after they'd gotten in.

"Oh, I'm not feeling picky today. I'll go wherever you want."

As Edwardo drove off, he put his plan in place to try and figure out what was wrong with his boyfriend. He figured the easiest thing would be to start out asking about the city's advertising campaign. He found out from Michael that the position was actually a very big deal. A huge grant had been awarded to the project, which would cover the cost of the studio space rental and even the cost of professional models. The payout per approved photograph was pretty high too.

Michael sighed, tension evident in his voice. "Problem is, I don't know how to work the digital camera they want me to use. I didn't have the heart to tell them all my social media stuff they liked was shot with my phone."

"I don't mind showing you how to use my digital camera. I'm sure they're not that different."

Michael let out another tense sigh. "Thanks."

Edwardo used his offer to suggest that they use the opportunity to take a few new couples pictures they could send to the competitor of the tabloid that ran the slash article. Michael's response was a monosyllabic "okay." The conversation was quickly becoming one-sided. Anything Edwardo asked was answered in three words or less. He didn't even get a response when he offered to buy Michael a new suit for his court appearance.

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