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The physical therapy session ended just in time for a late lunch. Ryan had been given a little goodie bag with some stress balls and elastic resistance bands, along with a rather nice water bottle and a thick pair of slipper socks with the rubber grips on the bottom. Considering how cold it was outside, it was the socks Ryan was most thankful for. In their rush to make the morning appointment, Scott and Ryan both forgot he would need a pair of shoes.

The chilly weather wasn't about to put a damper on Ryan's mood! He had a stress ball in each hand as he was loaded into the car, and even started pressing his feet against the floor like he'd been shown how to do after he was buckled in. None of it went unnoticed, of course. After loading up the wheelchair and hopping in the driver's seat, Scott asked his little body builder where he wanted to go eat.

"Oh, can we go to that Middle Eastern place again?" Ryan asked eagerly.

"No objections here."

Scott pulled out of the parking space and further out of the clinic's parking lot, heading in the direction of the food. Ryan suggested that particular restaurant a lot, but Scott wasn't going to complain. The food was always fresh, and seeing Ryan happy made him happy. Besides, the family was planning to go out somewhere expensive this weekend to celebrate Ryan's casts coming off anyway. Comfort food sounded really good right about now.

About halfway there, Ryan made a very important realization.

"Wait a minute, my fingers are free!"

Ryan put the stress balls down immediately to fish the chain out from under his shirt that had his engagement ring on it. He eagerly tried to slip it on and... It got stuck at the second knuckle.

"Don't worry," Scott said, seeing it all from the corner of his eye. "I told you that might happen, remember? We'll drop it off to get resized after lunch."

Ryan let out a defeated sigh and tucked the chain back under his shirt before resuming his work with the stress balls. Then, something else occurred to him once they reached the restaurant.

"Hey Cuddle Bug, what about one of those silicone rings? I saw that Dr. Kwan was wearing one earlier. And well... If I've got to have my heat there, I don't know if I want to wear my engagement ring going through all that but..."

"We'll look for one. I was given a list of some different equipment we can buy so you can do more work at home, so the store we have to go to for those is bound to carry them, probably."

Ryan leaned over to give Scott a kiss. He hoped the request didn't come off sounding too greedy. Even if he was still getting used to being given things, he still felt weird asking Scott for something frivolous he didn't actually need. Scott on the other hand, was more than happy to buy Ryan pretty much anything he wanted. Besides, Ryan hardly ever asked for stuff anyway, even if it was something he probably needed.

Now, Ryan and Scott had pretty much become regulars at this particular restaurant, and the staff was always super friendly. Scott especially liked how they addressed Ryan directly, instead if treating Ryan like he was some sort of deaf or mute possession of his like some other establishments they no longer patroned did. That being said, the first thing the hostess did after they went inside was to congratulate Ryan on getting his casts off. Pretty much the whole waitstaff came over to offer their congratulations. The chef even threw in a desert on the house! So of course, Scott made sure to tip a little more generously than he usually did.

They ran the rest of their errands with Ryan being as cooperative as usual. They went to the mall to drop off Ryan's ring for resizing before driving to the sports medicine store. That's when Ryan tried to do some exploring by himself, trying to move the wheelchair to get a better look at something a little further on the shelf. He quickly discovered he had neither the grip nor the arm strength to really make it happen. They were at least able to find a decent selection of silicone rings to choose from. The obvious choice was the one with blue and orange swirls similar in color to the stones on his ring. Thankfully, they had one left in his new size.

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