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Human Trafficking AU

It all began when Sakae Ichinose was in the wrong end of town. The Hiragi's sent him on a mission, and like a fool he agreed. He had no other choice. The Hiragi's were more powerful than his little sect, so he followed their orders.

After the mission Sakae found himself on his way home.

He saw suspicious looking people talking talking in a dark alleyway. Usually he would have ignored this, and went on his way. But his eyes were fixed on a small boy. No older than ten years old. The boy reminded him of his own son, Guren.

He saw one man hand the other a wad of cash. Then the other counted it, before shoving the boy over and leaving.

He had definitely just sold the child.

Out of concern Sakae found himself following the man with the boy.

The man entered an abandoned warehouse. Sakae noticed other suspicious looking people enter. He tried to blend in with the crowd.

Inside was a stage. There was no way...he was at an auction. An auction that sold human children.

"We have one last offer."

The auctioneer said clearly.

"It may have come late, but it's here. It is 10 years old, male-"

'It? They are dehumanizing this child. It's as if he isn't even a human. They are referring to him as if he's an object.'

A wave of disgust flushed over Sakae.

"Going once..."

No one was bidding anymore. The price was high.

"Going twice..."

Sakae knew if he did nothing now, he'd regret it for the rest of his life.

"Sol-Do we have another bid!?"

The boy shook in his arms as he carried him away.

He didn't say a word. He didn't make eye contact. In fact, he had his eyes forcefully closed the whole time.

Sakae got to a car and drove them to his estate.

It was almost midnight, by the time the two got home.

The entire ride the boy kept to himself, without saying a word.

"You're safe here. Don't worry." Sakae said trying to comfort the child. But the boy did not respond.

He opened the door, and lead the boy inside.

"Guren!" He called and Guren immediately came.

"Hello, Dad." Guren noticed the boy. "Who is that?"

They made direct eye contact. It was the first time the boy showed a hint of emotion.

"He's going to be living with us for a while. Consider him your brother."

"I don't want a brother." Guren protested.

It was just one more person he'd have to protect.

"He hasn't said a word to me. Maybe he'll feel more comfortable around you. You two are the same age."

"Fine." Guren gave in.

Sakae left the two alone, to figure out the legal issues.

"So...what's you're name?" Guren asked trying to break the silence. The boy looked at him, and said nothing. "You know it's rude not to answer someone who asked a question." Guren stated.

"Well anyway, you look gross. Let's get you a bath." Guren said grabbing the boys arm, and pulling him to the bathroom.

"You know how to bathe yourself, right?" Guren filled the tub and waited outside. He heard a splash, and then coughing. It sounded like the boy was struggling with the water.

Guren slammed the door open and ran in. The boy was holding his head under water, trying to drown himself.

Guren yanked the boy back up. "Are you crazy!? What are you doing!?"

Knowing his dad would be mad if he let the boy die, Guren decided to supervise the bath.

The boy sat in the water and didn't move. After five minutes of nothing, Guren got annoyed.

"You're supposed to wash yourself." Guren sighed before grabbing the shampoo bottle, squirting some on his hand, and rubbing it into the pale boy's hair. Before he could continue the boy defensively smacked his hands away.

"You're really dirty you know. It's kinda gross. Just let me washed you hair."

The white haired boy reluctantly let Guren finish.

"Dad where did you get him? And why does he have to sleep in my room? I don't even know him." Guren complained.

The other boy was in his room, as Guren argued with his father on the other side of the door.

"I bought him. He's probably a victim of human trafficking. Be kind to him, who knows what he's been through. He also seems to enjoy your company much more than mine, so that's why he'll stay with you."

Guren grumpily accepted his fathers words before walking into his room.

There was a futon set up on the floor for the boy. He was wearing some of Guren's pajamas.

"Let's go to bed then-" Guren shut off the lights. "No!-" Guren turned to lights back on. "Finally talking now? You afraid of the dark?" The boy nodded his head ,vigorously, in response.

"Then I'll turn on a nightlight." Guren said before doing so, and hopping in his bed.

"What's your name?"

There was silence.

"Come on talk, or I'm just gonna sleep."



"My name is Shinya."

"Nice to meet you. My name is Guren."

" it safe? Is he going to do bad things to us?" Shinya asked anxiously. "Bad things? Of course not. He's my dad. He's actually one of the coolest guys in the world." Guren said reassuringly.

"He's scary. He looks like all the others." "All the others?" "Bad men. They all look the same. Men scare me." Shinya's voice shook. "What did they do to you?"

Guren mentally facepalmed himself for being so insensitive.

"Bad things. Bad things to me. I did bad things." The boy whimpered from his bed on the floor.

"Oh..." He was silent again. "Are you okay with being alone on the floor?"

"No-" "Then come up here. There's enough room I suppose." Guren said letting his soft side show.

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