Avian 2/2

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"What are you doing!? I told you to keeps your wings straight if you want to stay airborne!" Guren just proceeded to helplessly fall. "Stop flapping you wings all around!!" "I told you I can't fly, you idiot!!"

Guren and Shinya had been practicing for days now, and nothing seemed to work. Shinya would sneak him in and out of the palace without anyone noticing, but it was getting harder.

"Guren, this way." Shinya said grabbing his arm and jumping out the window. "I'm going to take you somewhere you will definitely learn." "And where is that?" "You'll see." He quietly landed "But first you'll need a disguise, because people might think your weird with your freakishly dark black wings." He then grabbed some lotion looking stuff and rubbed it all over Guren's wings. Shinya then muttered some words, snapped his fingers and bam Guren's wings had turned gold.

"H-how did you!?-" "It's a spell. Now let's go." Shinya said flying towards a small building. The two landed on the room as they watched an instructor help little kids take flight.

"Are you kidding me? This was your last resort?" "Yes, I'm sorry..." Shinya sounded defeated. The instructor then took a little girl in her arms and held her up high. "Now just flap, do whatever seems natural." She said and before they knew it she was flying all around.

Shinya looked back to Guren "Isn't that simple." Guren quickly stood up feeling more confident. "I got this." He said stepping off the roof and instantly falling to the ground."

The instructor noticed and ran over to him.

"Are you okay??" She asked, helping him up. "I uh... don't know how to fly." She looked at him in shock, before saying "It's better late than never."

After hours of little kids cheering and the instructors hard work Guren was finally in the air.

Shinya was ecstatic. He was so happy he screamed, and flew into Guren giving him a hug.

"T-the prince!" The kids and instructor all started bowing. "It's okay, you don't have to bow, but thank you for teaching my friend how to fly." Shinya said with a smile before bowing to them.

"I didn't think it was possible!!" He said turning back to Guren.

The children, Shinya, Guren, and the instructor all danced around in the air in joy, until the gold on Guren's wings faded and turned back to their original obsidian black.

The instructor and the kids gasped in horror. "M-monster!" a child screamed before flying away. "No way, I had thought they had been killed off." She whispered in shock. Soon Shinya And Guren were the only ones left, the instructor and kids were nowhere to be seen.

Guren looked at his wings before saying "Ichinose" it wasn't intended for anyone to hear, but it just slipped his mind. "What?" Shinya asked in confusion. Guren looked like something had dawned on him, in his head. "Please don't think I'm weird, but  I think I know this place." Guren began walking off. "Wait!" Shinya yelled catching up to him.

"Where are we going!?" "I-I don't know..." Guren's said walking faster. "Hey we can't be over here! The royal council forbids it! You have no idea how many scary stories I've heard about this place!" Shinya panicked. "Shinya" "Yes-" "Shut up! Going here might answer my questions. I know this place. I remember that." Guren pointed to a rock that had words carved into it, but it was so damaged, it was impossible to read.

"Guren, being this far in, we are going to get into a lot of trouble." Shinya was still panicking.

Guren stopped in front of the remains of a large house, no a mansion.

"This-This was my home, Shinya. I'm remembering things. I-" Guren fell to his knees.

"They killed my people..." He whispered. "I remember the fields looking so gorgeous with all the wild flowers. All the buildings with their unique designs. Now...it's just...ash. The land has been scorched. The land had been stained that nasty vermillion red. They killed everyone-" Guren spun and glared at Shinya. "You-Your people killed mine!!" He lashed out.

The feathers on his wing began to solidify into daggers.

I guess a part of me always knew magic. Guren thought approaching Shinya.

"Guren wait- it wasn't me! I'm just an adopted useless child! I'm sorry for whatever the Hiragis did, but I just want you to know I've done none of this." Guren fell to the ground again.

"Why? Why did they kill so many innocent people? I won't be able to get answers out of you then." Guren began to cry as Shinya rushed to his side and hugged him. "All I know is that the people who lived here were evil, that's what to royal council had told everyone. Now that I think about it...I remember them talking about obsidian winged monsters. I'm by your side in this, we can figure things out together-" a deep voice interrupted then.

"Awe, what a touching friendship. I thought I had slayed every last one of them and their followers. The Ichinoses were completely helpless, maybe that's why they wiped all the memories of this place and set their only child in the custody of humans." The voice laughed.

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