The Haunted House

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Shinya moves into a haunted house because it was on sale

Shinya was finally living on his own. He was happy to finally move away from his parent and become an independent adult.

He didn't have that much money, so he looked all over for a house that didn't cost that much, and after a long search he finally found one he could afford. It costed way less than the others, and the owner was just trying to get rid of it for some reason.

Shinya saw this as a golden opportunity. He bought the house without a second thought, and moved in.

While he moved his stuff in strange things began happening. He set boxes up and went outside to retrieve more, but when he came back the boxes where all knocked over. He just excused it for his bad luck and went on with his day.

Once he was fully moved in he began to settle down. He turned on the TV and began watching a dumb show. He quickly drifted off to sleep.


Shinya woke up.

"What-what was that?" He asked in confusion.


There it was again. The thumps repeated on and on into the night. They sounded like footsteps-no like someone was stomping on the ground. Shinya looked at the clock to see that it was already 3:00 a.m. "Wow I need to get some sleep. I'm definitely hearing things." Shinya said trying to give the sound a logical explanation.

Once he got in his bed he quickly drifted off to sleep.

He could see everything around him, but he couldn't move.

This is probably the sleep paralysis everyone talks about...

Shinya thought to himself. That's when his door began to slowly creak open. The thumps continued towards his door. It now sounded like someone was dragging there feet. A figure slowly made its way into his room.

Shinyas heart was beating fast. This was truly terrifying. He'd never had one of these before in his life.

The figure was slouched over, and crying. It's matted black hair was in its face as it stumbled closer toward his bed. It was at the foot of Shinya's bed when it turned its head up making this nasty cracking noise.

It's eyes were completely black. There was blood leaking from its mouth and it was mostly bones. It was so skinny, Shinya could make out every bone on its body. It looked at him dead in the eyes before letting out a blood curdling high pitched shriek.

"AAHHHH!!!" Shinya screamed like a little girl, jerking up from his bed. He quickly turned on the lights in his room. He looked at the alarm clock on his bedside table. It was already 5:00 a.m. he hadn't gotten much sleep. But after that he didn't feel like sleeping. He sat awake in his bed.


Someone was knocking on Shinya's door.

Shinya had heard a thing or two about the supernatural, and one thing was to not give it your attention or they could get attached to you.

So here Shinya sat on his bed ,terrified and crying, rocking back and forth, trying not to listen to the now deafening knocking at his door. It was a miracle the door didn't fall off its hinges with all the knocking.

Finally he couldn't take it anymore and slammed the door open. Infront of him was the figure he had seen in his dream. "You!!" Shinya was now angry as he tried to reach for the person. But as soon as he touched it, it disappeared.

Shinya began shaking in fear. "What the hell are you doing!?" He asked to absolutely no one. "Why don't you want me hear!? I just moved in. I trying to be an independent adult!!" Shinya screamed in fear.

He then heard loud scratches coming from his room. He quickly ran in to see the words 'No one cares' carved into his wall. "Oh so you want to be like that, huh!?" Shinya screamed. Then there was more scratching noises as 'yes' was carved into his wall.

He then fell over in laughter realizing the situation he was in. Was he seriously fighting with a ghost?

That was when he felt a hand on his neck. It began squeezing tighter and tighter so he could no longer breathe. Then just as he was about to pass out it let go. He began laughing harder now. "Sorry, but I'm not into that type of stuff." He turned around to see a sort of black fog. The fog then materialized into a man about his age. It was the figure from before, but now it looked more human.

"Hi I'm Shinya, nice to meet you." Shinya said, hand out for the ghost to shake. The man just scowled at him before saying "You're supposed to be afraid like earlier. I want you to leave. This is my house.-" "Says who!? I'm the one who bought it!" The ghost man just glared at him.

There was a sharp pain on Shinya's chest. He took off his shirt to see the words 'GET OUT!' cut into his skin. He glared back at the ghost man. "Really!? That hurt!!" "I'll keep doing it if you don't get out!" The man yelled at him. "Okay, suppose I do get out, then where do I go? Do I sleep on the bench like a homeless man?" "Yeah-" "Can't we just get along like roommates or something? It's probably really lonely here all by yourself." The ghost glared at him. Shinya starred back with pleading eyes. "No-" "Pleeeeeeease?" Shinya begged.  "I promise I'll try not to make you mad." The ghost growled before saying "Fine-but my only rule is no friends. I guess I'm fine with you." "Awe~"

After living in the house for a while the two really got to know each other and became good friends. But one night Shinya decided it was okay to have a few friends over.

"Woah! Nice place you got here dude." Norito said plopping on the couch. "It is a very nice house." Mito said.

There was five of them in total counting Shinya. He wanted to have his friends over for a movie night.

As the movie started Shinya got up to make some popcorn. While in the kitchen he felt a tap on his back. "Shinya, did you forget the only rule I made?" "I'm sorry Guren, it's just I thought you'd be okay with it-" "Well I'm not! The only person I'm okay with is you!-" "Stop being a brat." Shinya said pinching his cheek.

Shinya left the kitchen and returned to the couch. They all began snacking on popcorn.

"Who was that you were talking to out there Shinya?" "Um no one, I was silent." "I could have sworn I heard another voice." "You're probably just hearing things-" The TV flashed off before becaming static. All the lights went out. The TV with the static screen then began to talk. In a scary deep voice it said "Shinya, you are a brat!" Shinya began to laugh, until he was cut off by his friends screams.

"Something is touching me!!" Sayuri screamed. "I can't breathe!" Norito choked. Slowly all his friends were in pain. Shinya then stood up. "Okay enough, Guren!!"

The lights all went back on. "I know you're jealous of me having friends over because you love me oh so much, but I can't have you trying to kill them!" Shinya shouted. "W-What's going on?" One of the girls whispered. "Guren come on, show yourself."

The black fog made its way next to Shinya, before materializing into a man.

"Okay friends, this is my ghost friend, Guren. He once tried to kill me too, but now we're besties!"

The others looked at the two with wide eyes.

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