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Two Senpais notice each other

"Shinya-sama , Shinya-sama!"

"Guren-sama, Guren-sama"

This was all the two boys ever heard.

Whenever they went out a group of girls would somehow surround them.

They went to the same school yet they never met. Maybe it was because they were to busy with all the girls asking random questions.

But one day Shinya did notice Guren who was in a similar annoying situation.


sweet freedom...

"Shinya-sama, we made you lunch and-" "HE'S RUNNING AWAY, CATCH HIM!!"

It was the fastest Shinya had ever run. To be honest he was kind of scared for some reason.

"Guren-sama, can I tell you a story-" "THAT BOY JUST STOLE GUREN-SAMA!!"

Not really to Shinya's surprise, Guren was running on his own and he didn't need to pull him. They looked behind themselves to find a horde of rampaging girls.

As they ran their eyes met, and it was an almost immediate connection. Shinya knew in his heart, he had just fallen for a person he didn't even know.

Eventually they found themselves in an old abandoned part of the school. They were both gasping for air.

"D-Do you think-" he gasped again "Do you think we shook em?" "Yeah, I don't see any." Shinya observed around them.

"By the way, what's your name?" "Shinya Hiragi-" "Now I see why the girls always chase you. You're basically a prince." Shinya laughed awkwardly "That's me~"

"Well, what's your name?" "Guren Ichinose" "Ichinose!? Why are all the girls all around you then!?-" "Because I'm an asshole, and I'm also hot~" Shinya laughed at that. "You seem full of yourself-" "What makes you think that~?" Guren smirked at Shinya. "Are you trying to flirt with me~?" Shinya asked nervously.

"Uhhhh...I honestly don't know. I think I've been around too many girls, I've just learned to flirt with everyone-" "Wait! Why did you run along with me if your so use to the girls-" "Because they're annoying, even if that Sayuri is amazing at cooking, they still get on my nerves-" "Same here man." Shinya scratched the back of his neck.

"Shinya, do you think we can do this all the time. Like a getaway type thing-" "What if the girls find us!?-" "Well then we'll have to pull something desperate-" "Do you think we're being too dramatic though? I feel like other guys would kill to be like us. Surrounded by hot babes and all-" "I don't care! Us men need our guy time." "Yeah! Our gay time!" Then Guren burst out in fits of laughter. "I meant guy! Damn autocorrect!!" Shinya laughed a hard ,drawn out, fakest laugh he could ever come up with.

As days passed by, the two somehow seemed to always be getting away from the persistent girls. And Shinyas crush also seemed to be growing along with the girls anger.

"Shinya, I bought us these." Guren said tossing a can of Cola to Shinya. But Shinya ,who was too entranced in looking into Guren's beautiful eyes, missed the gesture and before he knew it the Cola had hit the ground. Luckily and unluckily the Cola didn't spill out.

"Shinya, you best not open that, if you don't want to get Cola all over your school uniform." Guren said from his perch drinking his own Cola. "Then might as well go all out~" Shinya said cockily, trying to impress the other. He picked up the can. It opened with a click, and as if it was a geyser, the Cola shot up spooking Shinya. He quickly threw the can to the ground, spilling it everywhere.

"Ha~! You're stupid." Guren laughed sipping his own drink obnoxiously, to mock poor Shinya. Shinya just gave him an embarrassed sad face.

"Fine, take some of mine." Guren handed Shinya the can, but he did not take it. "Suit yourself." Guren brought the it to his lips once more. "I'll have some-" Shinya reaches for the can. He ended up grabbing Guren's hand instead. Guren let go of he soda and looked Shinya dead in the eyes.

"Guren, I think I'm gay for you!-" Shinya cried letting go and walking away. "This isn't supposed to happen! I'm supposed to fall for one of the girls not you!-" Shinya hissed at Guren.

The poor thing looked more confused than actually sad.


"That's all?"

"I don't know!? What do you want me to do!? Kiss you or something?!"

The two stood in awkward silence. Slowly but surely they inched closer to each other. They were eventually standing right in front of each other. Guren's arms flew up onto Shinyas shoulders. Then he went in for the kiss-but Shinya dodged it turning his head to the side.

"Huh?" Guren asked going in again. He went for the kiss yet again, but again Shinya dodged it.

"Shinya!" Guren shook his shoulders hard, until Shinya looked at him. "I feel really stupid. Why won't you let me kiss you? It's awkward as it is-" Shinya felt like that was his cue. He walked forward as if he were going in for the kiss, but at the last second he turned his head away.

"I don't know man! It's just weird and-" "Enough!" Guren pushed him onto the ground.

"You're gonna get it if you like it or not!" Guren said straddling Shinya, holding his arms and legs down. Before Shinya could speak anymore Guren's lips were on his. His heart instantly began beating faster. Guren sat atop him with eyes closed. Shinya's eyes were widened in shock.

You know what?

I can get used to this...

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