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Guren and Shinya meet as little kids, and whatever Shinya touches dies

"Mama, can we go in the garden?" A small child asked playing with his mother's hair. "Of course" She said picking the small boy up. "I'm glad you love the garden your father made, Guren." She smiled happily. Guren just nodded with a small smile.

The two walked around and explored the beautiful garden.

When they decided they were done, Guren wanted to visit the koi pond one last time.

He sat at the edge of the crystal clear water and dipped his hands in. Immediately his favorite fish swam to him. It was a beautiful white koi fish with black, orange, and red patches. Guren favored it because of its friendliness and beauty.

After parting with the fish he raced back to his mother.

On their way in, the boy caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see another boy? A small boy with white hair. The boy touched the water, and as soon as he did so it became black. The darkest black Guren had ever seen.

"Stop that!" Guren yelled. He turned back to his mother. "Mama there is a boy-" He turned back around to see the boy was no longer there. "I don't see a boy. The only little boy up here is you sweety." She said pulling him back inside.

The next day when Guren went to visit the koi pond his favorite fish was floating ,lifeless, at the surface of the water.

As time moved on he told himself that he was just seeing things. But then there were more appearances. That's when Guren started to believe there was a ghost.

One night he was sitting at his favorite small creek. It was after his lessons, so he was very exhausted. The cold water felt amazing on his tired body.

Then...rustling. Rustling! Coming from the bushes. Was it the ghost?

But then a bunny came limping out. It was strangely calm when it saw Guren. It just sat there calmly. It looked pretty mangled, maybe by a dog or something. Guren definitely thought it was going to bleed out soon. Then...the boy. The white haired ghost boy was behind it. The bunny's eyes widened as the boy approached. The boy gently laid his hand on its back. The bunny sat calmly before slumping to the ground.

"You!" Guren called. The other looked up in shock. "What did you do to that bunny!?" He yelled. This time the boy did not disappear. The boy looked him dead in the eye before saying "It is dead now. It is not in pain anymore." "Who are you?" Guren asked. The boy stayed at his distance and answered. "I am Shinya-" "So you're not a ghost?" ""

From that day on Guren decided to keep his friendship with Shinya on the down low.

"That's cool, you have a superpower!-" "It's not a superpower." The boy looked at the ground. "It's a curse. That's what they told me. That's what they told me before I killed them." He fell to the ground and cried. Guren approached, reaching out toward the other. Shinya's small head snapped back looking into Guren's eyes. "Don't touch me!!" He hissed, causing the other to fall back in shock. Guren looked down, the previously green grass was now black. "I'm not a normal boy, I'm a monster!" The other yelled running away.

But just like always, he appeared the next day.

"Shinya, that first time I saw you ,at the koi pond, did you kill my fish?" The other hesitated. "Yes, but I didn't mean to." "I forgive you!" Guren smiled. "Why?" "Because Mama told me friends forgive each other." "We-we're friends!?" Shinya sounded excited. "Yup" "I've never had a friend before. What do friends do-" "We can play, climb trees, wrestle, and-" "I can't do that...-" "Why!?" Guren sounded hurt. "Because I could kill you or the trees-" "I don't care!!" Guren silenced him. "I could put gloves on so you don't kill me!-" "I don't know if that would work, and I don't want to try."

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