Zombie Apocalypse 2/3

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What the heck am I doing!? This is way to far.

Shinya stood outside looking through a window to see Guren and Mahiru's sleeping forms.

It was late at night and nearly no one, but the guards and some anxious soldiers, were awake.

Shinya's stomach grumbles.

I'm hungry...-Kill, kill, kill, kill-No!! I'm not a monster. I just need to find something to eat.

Shinya slowly opened the door, and snuck in, trying not to wake the two in the bed. He snuck into a pantry and found food. He began feasting on bread.

I haven't had something this good since...maybe that one human's flesh... Shinya gagged just thinking about the things he had done.


Shinya heard a creak from the bed, and then someone got up. Shinya just barely heard the person, before he was being pinned to the ground with a sword to his neck.

"Who the hell are you!? What are you doing eating my food that I risked my life for!?" Guren shouted in his ear.

Oh shit! What do I do!? I don't even remember how to talk!!

Shinya panicked as he tried to speak.

"Grrglrdes" "What!?" Shinya didn't know what to do, and at this rate this guy was going to kill him, well double kill him. "Gurrlnk plarss gert errf ner." Shinya tried to talk. "Who are you!?" Guren asked again. "Plearse get erf!" Shinya yelled with a scratchy voice. "Huh?" Guren asked again "I said please get off!" Shinya yelled as the words finally came out right.

Guren grabbed Shinya and dragged him out quietly.

"Who are you?" He asked. Shinya didn't know his own name or anything about himself so he went with the first thing that came to mind. "My name is, uh-Lee June." "Lee June?" I haven't heard of anyone by that name here." "I was a survivor. I snuck in because the guards scared me." Shinya said. "Why didn't you just tell them? All you had to do was tell them your name and say you were human. Then they would have let you in and checked to see if you were infected. My name is Guren by the way." "Guren, who was that girl with you?" He asked. "Oh, she's my girlfriend, Mahiru." He explained. "I know this isn't really the time, because I just met you and all, but on my way in I saw her crying. I think she's infected-" Guren punched Shinya hard in the jaw. "What the hell!? You're insane! She's not infected, she would have told me." "Get out of here, I don't want to see you anymore, or hear your nonsense!" Guren yelled at him.

Shinya quickly retreated outside the safe zone, and fell asleep by the cliff.

The next morning he awoke to a random zombie petting him like a cat. "What the fuck!?" He yelled at the zombie. It just sat there unfazed and continued to pet him. "Go eat a human or something! Let me sleep!" The zombie just tilted its head in curiosity. It would have been cute if it wasn't a man eating living dead person. "Ugh" Shinya sighed before pushing it off the cliff.

"-It's too late now!! You're going to have to kill me or I'm going to have to kill myself!!"

A females voice boomed. "Mahiru calm down, I'll figure this out!" "No, I'm a monster!! I'll kill you if I don't kill my self!!" She screamed. "Goodbye Guren, I love you. And if you live long enough, I hope you find someone new to love too-" "MAHIRU!!" A man shouted in despair.

From that day on Guren had become distant from everyone. He killed every zombie he ever crossed. He despised them even more than before.

Months had passed, and people still didn't know Shinya was living among them. He only ever came out when everyone was asleep. And when he did he only hung out with the only human that knew him...Guren.
"Guren, you need sleep." Shinya warned. "You staying up for three days straight is not healthy." "Shut it Lee." Guren said practicing with his sword. "By the way, where do you even sleep? No one else in the village knows you." "Well let's just say I'm a secretive person." "Oh" Guren continued to use his sword, until he fell on the ground in exhaustion.

Shinya peered over Guren's head and said "I told you." Guren simply laughed and reached up to touch Shinya's face. Guren's touch was so warm. All Shinya had felt since he became a zombie was coldness. No pain, no nothing, especially not heat.

"You are really pale and cold, you know that?" Guren then pulled Shinya's face down to his and kissed him. Shinya was now in complete confusion, and he swore to god that his heart may have started beating again.

Guren began sobbing loudly. "I fucking miss her!! She was my purpose for fucking living!" He cried. "Why must god take the ones we love most!?" He cried. Shinya then got up and dragged him to bed. "Yeah, you definitely need sleep."

As Guren lay in his bed, Shinya headed for the door. "Goodnight Guren-" "Wait! Can you stay with me?" Shinya didn't know how to feel about this either. But then he thought about the warmth. The warm feeling he craved, he needed it.

Shinya quickly got under the covers with Guren. As soon as he was in bed, Guren's arms and legs latched around him, making him stuck in the bed.

This warm feeling, I love it. I love it!!

Shinya blushed and turned to Guren, who was already fast asleep.

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