A Birthday Gift

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This story takes place in the olden days, and it's Guren's birthday!

Shinya returned home ,very late into the night, like he had been doing for the past month.

He took his clothes off and slipped into some nightwear, but Guren stopped him.

"What is this?" He asked looking at all the small purple but mostly red bruises on Shinya's pale skin. "Nothing" he simply said putting his shirt on. "Doesn't seem like nothing." Guren grumbled. The two laid down in their bed. "You're not cheating on me with another man or woman, right?" Guren asked with genuine worry. "No" Shinya replied before falling asleep.

The next morning Guren woke up and Shinya was already gone. He was at work, but their jobs were over around noon, just like Guren's, but when Guren would come home no one was ever there or arrived til late at night. This was making Guren mad. He didn't get to see his beloved partner as much. He felt like they were drifting apart. Their sex life wasn't even existent. How was a relationship supposed to function without having all that.

He's cheating on me. He's definitely cheating on me! I left my filthy rich family for him, even got disowned in the process, just for him to cheat on me!? Bullshit, I'm going to end this.

That night Guren waited awake for Shinya's return. He looked out the window of the house to see a horse riding into the property.

There he is.

Shinya came inside quietly.

"When were you going to tell me? Why didn't you break it off sooner?" Guren said in a dangerously low voice. This time was different. Shinya was happier than usual, but his mood quickly changed when Guren said that. "What-" "You were cheating on me!-" "No I wasn't. This is a misunderstandi-" "I know what I saw on you Shinya!" Guren glared at him. "No, you don't understand-" Guren ran over to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "I damn well understand! I was disowned by my family to be with you...just to have you cheat on me!?" Guren threw Shinya hard on the ground. "There is no going back to my family. I'm disowned! They'll never see me the same! I'm just a stupid homosexual to them, and now thanks to you I can barely pay for this place we live in!" Guren looked like he was about to throw fists or cry. "Shinya, this is all your damn fault. I had wish I never met you!!" Guren yelled before walking away. Guren stopped and turned back to look at a violently shaking Shinya. "By the way this...this is over." Guren began to walk away until he was interrupted by loud sobbing.
"On my birthday my family used to throw the most extravagant parties. They would always try and hook me up with pretty girls from other rich families. I remember I would have so many presents, and at the end of it all my family would gather round and watch me open their presents. I remember one year my mother even made me a sweater. It was quite ugly but I still loved it even though..." Guren paused sadly at the memory ,as if he was missing it and his family, he the looked at Shinya. "The most I've ever gotten for my birthday was probably a pair of slightly used shoes. I know that's nothing compared to yours or what you want for your birthday but-" "No, I don't need anything for my birthdays anymore. All I want is you, and if I can have that I'm happy." Guren smiled hugging the other.
"Woah! That coat is so good looking. If I had enough money I would by one. If I had enough money I'd buy you whatever you want." Guren smiled at Shinya.

Every time they passed that store Guren would alway point out the same coat over and over....so Shinya decided to get it for him. He added extra jobs to save up some money to buy the coat for Guren's birthday.

He signed up to clean at a restaurant. During that job, his employer found out he was gay. He was incredibly disgusted and beat Shinya with a broom, but Shinya begged and begged to let him keep the job. He even got on his hands and knees and kneeled for the damn man. The man responded with a few kicks to the head and an eventual 'You can keep the job'. Shinya was paid less than minimum wage.

He found other jobs that also resulted in beatings when they found out he was gay.

-Ew, stay away from him, he's dirty.
-Fucking faggot

People would hiss at him.

People threw rocks at him, resulting in many bruises and welts. People beat him up. Other men even tried raping him, but he went through it all. He stayed strong. He stayed strong for Guren. The only thing that kept him going was an image in his head of Guren smiling happily when Shinya presented him the coat on his birthday.

"...this is over."

No, this wasn't supposed to happen. He isn't understanding. I didn't tell him because I wanted it to be a surprise.

"N-no!!" Shinya sobbed loud. "It was for your birthday ,damnit!!" Shinya cried.

Guren turned around to look at the other on the floor. Shinya got up and walked towards Guren before handing him something.

Guren looked down to see the coat he'd been desiring ever since the day he saw it in that shop window.

"H-happy birthday!!" Shinya sobbed ,voice quivering, as he wiped away tears. 

Guren's heart sank.

Wait, it was Guren's birthday. He completely forgot, while being so focused on watching Shinya. This is what he had been doing the whole time? Shinya has been working his ass off just to get Guren a present for his birthday, just to have Guren freak out on him.

"This...this was...all for me?" Guren's voice cracked with pain. Shinya looked at him with a puffy red face and responded "Mhm".

Guren tossed the coat on the bed before running to Shinya and enveloping him in a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry!" He cried. "I-I didn't know. I'm sorry for hurting you. I have no idea what you've been through." Shinya was crying even harder, gripping onto Guren tighter.

Guren had done this. He had made the one he loved most cry and feel awful, when he had no idea what the other had been through. The other was just trying to get him a descent gift for his birthday, and he reacted by ending their relationship and throwing him on the ground.

The two sat crying in each other's arms for a long half hour. They calmed down after time had passed, and began talking again.

"Shinya, I'm so terribly sorry. I feel like absolute shit for what I did." Shinya threw Guren an exhausted smile before saying. "I forgive you." "And also, I want to say-" Guren smashes their lips into a passionate long lasting kiss. He broke away and said "Thank you" with a big genuine smile, that Shinya had been waiting for.

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