School Sucks 2/2

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"How the hell do you guys not know the Pythagorean Theorem!? You guys learned this last year!!" Guren slammed his fist against the board in aggravation.

"Iwasaki and Narumi you two better stop talking or I'm going to separate you, or do you want me to show the class your grades from last quarter?" Makoto laughed before singing "How low can you go?~" "You know what!? I give up, just do tonights homework-And no talking!!" Guren sat down behind his desk and pinched the bridge of his nose trying to calm down.

Right when he was feeling better, he heard loud laughter through the wall. The kids working in his class looked up from their papers. Then a faint intro to 'Bill Nye the Science Guy' started up. All the kids in his class started laughing. Guren who was obviously outrage stormed out the door, and when next door.

"Shinya-Hiragi!!" Guren corrected himself. "Please come to the hallway. We need to talk!"

Kids weren't use to hearing them use first names, so they thought it was serious this time.

"You're distracting my kids!!-" "Oh, let me guess-Are they doing a boring packet?" "Yes, now lower the volume! And why are you watching this, you teach math!" "My students wanted to hear the intro, so I played it." "Hiragi, are you aware that your precious kids have thrown all the colored packets ,you took up all the ink printing out, on the floor?" Shinya looks on the ground before calling into the room "Students, I'm disappointed in you." And then each kid picked up the packets. "You really are a cabrón." Guren said turning around. "Okay, see you later, pervertido~" Shinya waved.

Guren came rushing back in to turn off the video, or at least lower it, but things didn't go as planned.

While passing Shinya he slipped on a packet ,a kid forgot to pick up, and fell. While losing balance, he grabbed Shinya. It was so out of nowhere Shinya had lost his balance too, so there they lay on the ground, Guren on top of Shinya.

That when one of the kids decided to pipe up. "Ha, Gay!!!"

Guren quickly got off Shinya, and helped him up.

Guren scowled at the student saying "I give up." Before returning to his class.
After school:

Guren was simply grading more things and doing school work. Shinya then slinks through the door.

"Earlier today I was about to make a call, about my car, but...." "But...?" Guren said keeping his eyes fixed on his papers. "I had a spare key in my bag the whole time." Guren looked up from his papers with a scowl. The scowl softened into a grin, and Guren began laughing his ass off.

"You idiot! You didn't even have to come to my place, or spend the night, or wear my clothes. I didn't even have to put my lips against your cheek. You could have prevented all that just by being more organized!" Shinya stood there looking a little embarrassed.

"Well, I wasn't even aware of the kiss. I can't believe you. I always thought you were a grouch, not a pervert who violates people in their sleep~" "It wasn't a kiss, idiot!" Guren retorted. "Then what was it?" Shinya stared at Guren. "Come here" Guren whispered barely audible. "What?" Shinya said inching close so his ear was near Guren's mouth.

"I'll show you a real kiss." Guren whispered into his ear. "Huh?-" Guren grabbed Shinya'a head and forced their faces together.

Their lips met. Shinya's soft lips landed on Guren's. His eyes were wide in disbelief. He then slowly closed them deepening the kiss. The kiss lasted a few seconds before they separated for air.

On the way home this time, Guren heard Shinya digging through his bag. Then a not so panicked voice said "I can't find my key~" Guren turned around and was met with a grinning man.

"Ugh, hop in." He laughed.

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