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"What his name?" A little Sayuri asked, as Shigure looked at the boy silently.

"His name is Shinya." Guren introduced. "He's going to be living with us for a while so we-I mean you guys-gotta keep him safe."

"Yes sir!" The girls said in unison.

"Guren." Shinya whispered, from behind Guren's back.

"Can you teach me how to fight like you?"

Shinya had seen Guren training. He was in awe at how strong someone so little could be.

"Sure ,if that would make you feel better, I guess I have no other choice."

Shinya was afraid of grown men, and would only allow himself near Guren and women. He probably was like that as a result of whatever happened to him in the years before he was with Guren's family.

He often got panic attacks, that wouldn't go away unless Guren hugged him. It soon became a habit to always hold hands, and be close with each other.

After training, Shinya really caught up quickly. Eating good at the Ichinose estate helped him get some meat on his bones. Shinya really transformed after his years with Guren.

He was almost just as equally talented as Guren. They were both master of fighting, strategy, and magic.


It had been six years since then. Shinya has since been adopted into the Ichinose family, and attended tons of therapy.

The boys had grown very close over the years, and did everything together. But the PTSD still bit at Shinya everyday.

Guren, his friends, and Shinya were all hanging out in Guren's apartment. He had the apartment so he could attend school in the city. Shinya got into the school with flying colors as well.

The gang was playing video games, and doing their usual teenage activities.

Guren watched Mito and Norito battle it out through video games, while Shinya and the other two girls, sat beside him.

The white haired boy rested his head on Guren's shoulder, as he watched his friends play.

Shinya has always been physically close to Guren ever since their childhood. But that didn't really look good in front of their peers at school.

"Shinya," Guren said, finally deciding to confront it. "Yes?" He asked innocently. "everyone things we're a couple." He stated.

"What?" Shinya said picking up their intertwined hands, in exclamation.

"Well you two are pretty chummy." Mito said, keeping her eyes on the television screen.

"Well it's not like that." Shinya defended himself. "Guren is just my best friend."

Later when everyone went home Guren decided to speak.

"Shinya, we can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?"

"We are literally spooning!"

Guren said point out the how close the two of them were in his bed.

"We do this every night though-" "And that's the problem!" "I don't get why you're so worried about what other people think Guren." Shinya said. "It's not what other people think Shinya. It's what Mahiru thinks. She's my girlfriend." Guren growled.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Sleep in your own room-" "Fine!" Shinya said getting up angrily. "Have fun sleeping without my warmth!" "I will!"

Shinya slammed the door behind him.

The next morning Guren took a shower before school. Mid shower Shinya walked in to brush his teeth.

"Dude get out!" "It's fine, I'm not going to shower with you. I did last night-" "Speaking of that we're never bathing together again-" "What!? But we always-" "Shinya, this is why people think we're gay. We have to stop doing that shit." Guren said angrily.

That day at school Shinya, and Guren had been more distant than usual. Mahiru was happy to actually have time alone with Guren.

That night Guren and Shinya refused to look at each other.

This proceeded for a month.

The two had reached there limited. They were both exhausted, and sleep deprived.

That night they had both gone to sleep in their respective beds.

Shinya quit trying to sleep after having nonstop nightmares the entire week, while Guren couldn't fall asleep without knowing Shinya was safe beside him.

He did secretly sneak over to Shinya's room just to see if he was okay some nights. But Shinya just though he was his sleep paralysis demon.

One night the two hit their breaking point.

They both snuck out of their beds, and creeped down the hallway to each others rooms.

They ran into each other on their way.

"What are you doing?" Guren asked. "Nothing, what about you?" Shinya returned the question. "Uhh, going to the bathroom..." Guren didn't move.

"Okay I came to sleep with you." Guren confessed. "Me too." Shinya said sadly.

"I'm sorry, I just kept getting these nightmares. I noticed the only thing that really makes them go away is" Shinya sounded ashamed.

"I'm sorry..." Shinya began to cry.

He did get panic attacks once in a while.

"I was scared. I thought you didn't want me anymore." He wiped his tear away. "That's stupid. Why would I not want you?" Guren said leading the other to his bedroom.

Then they laid down, with Shinya as little spoon.

"Your home is with me and Dad. We're gonna keep that promise forever, so don't worry." Shinya smiled at that.

"Thank you, Guren." Shinya said pushing himself closer to Guren. Guren responded with wrapping his arms around Shinya, holding him tighter.

The two were inseparable. Guren helped keep the demons away from Shinya.

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