Home Ec

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Guren vs Shinya: Who is the better cook

It was a battle-No, a showdown of the two best chefs in their whole high school.

Shinya vs Guren, it would be a showdown to remember. Guren, on his team he had Sayuri and Shigure, his obedient companions. Shinya on the other hand had Norito and Mito, his idiot friends, but they were really good when it came to cooking.

"REMEMBER THIS RECIPE LIKE YOUR DAMN LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!" Shinya said the day before the showdown.

The Home Ec teacher had let them stay a little after class to get their food done, she would also be judging.
"Sayuri hand me the!-" "Yes sir!" "Shigure!-" "I'm on it sir!" The three were like tornados, spinning around on their heals grabbing ingredients. But Shinya's team on the other hand was silent but deadly. He didn't have to say a word. His teammates would hand him things as if they were reading his mind.

All the other student watched in awe as the two teams clashed.

At the end of it all there would only be one winner.

Both teams look exhausted as they finished.

First, the teacher tried Shinya's peach pie. She nodded her head in satisfaction. Then she tried Guren's apple pie. Just one bite and she spit it out, as her face scrunched up in disgust.

Guren and his team were shocked. Had it really tasted that bad? Guren tried a piece of the pie.

Everything was perfect, even the crust. But it tasted awfully salty. Guren quickly rushed back to the area he had made the pie.

The sugar had been replaced with salt.

What monster would do this. Who would sabotage my team like this? He thought as his eyes became fixed on Shinya's dumb smile.

"Shinya's team wins!" The teacher declared. "I object! Someone has sabotaged my team." Shinya's face then twisted into a look of shock.

"So this means I didn't even win for real. Who did this!?" Shinya looked at the class and then turned to glare at his own group.

"Um..." Norito stepped forward.

"I was afraid we weren't going to win. I had heard stories about how amazing Guren was with food...w-we didn't stand a chance!" Norito yelled dramatically looking as if he was about to cry.

"Then it's settled! Neither of you win!" The teacher sat down in disappointment. "But maybe if all six of you worked together as a team. I think you would be fit to make food for a king. You guys are truly talented."

In the future Guren, Shinya and the others went on to become amazing chefs, and for which team had won the rematch will remain a secret...

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