Love Potion

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Guren takes a love potion and falls hard for Shinya

"He will be mine." Shinoa said mischievously looking at the potion she had made. She had spent tireless nights casting spells on the stupid liquid to make something that would resemble a love potion. She had even tested it on some civilians to see the fruits of her labor, and it worked. The affects varied from a day to a week, but she was excited to use it on Yuichirou.

Shinoa walked down the dark hallway with the potion in hand. She headed toward the cafeteria in hopes of spiking Yu's drink. But when she arrived Yu was sitting with Guren and others all at one big table. She was upset but also happy. The business of the others would distract Yu from his drink.

"Shinoa~ Nice of you to join us." Shinya smiled, motioning her to take the empty seat next to him. She grabbed some food before joining the others. Yu was already fighting with Kimizuki about some nonsense.

She waited for the moment to strike. Guren had left his spot next to Yu to do something while Shinya ,beside her, was too preoccupied with talking to the rest of his squad. All the while Mitsuba and Yoichi were trying to stop Kimizuki and Yu from starting a food fight, Shinoa took her chance.

She stealthily reached over the table and poured the small vile into Yu's mug of coffee.

It was not until minutes later she realized Yuichirou didn't even drink coffee. But by the time she had this realization Guren was already pouring the dark liquid down his throat.

She looked on in horror at her grave mistake.

"Guren!" She said in a panicked voice, to which he turn to look at her but his dull stare landed on someone behind her. His uninterested eyes slowly widen as his eyes were fixated somewhere behind her.

Shinoa quickly spun to look who had been her second victim.

"What's going on here? You look panicked Shinoa, are you okay?" Shinya asked innocently.

Then she stared back at the wide eyed Guren. He was completely out of his aloof character. The emotion was written all over his face. It looked as if he had just found all of life's answers. There was excitement and joy mixed with a bit of greed.

"Shinya!" Guren shouted, cutting Shinoa off from answering the latter's previous question.

"Yes Guren?" He responded. "Wow, you're gorgeous." Guren stated, silencing the entire table with the random comment.

Shinya didn't react at first, thinking he had heard wrong.

"What...did you say?" "God, do you want me to spell it out for you? G-O-R-" Shinoa quickly grabbed Guren by the arm and used her demonic strength to yank him and Shinya away.

"I made a mistake! I'm so sorry-" She said anxiously. Guren didn't even pay attention to her. His eyes were fixated on the white haired man. "What is it Shinoa? Are you the reason behind this behavior?" He said pointing towards Guren.

"Yes." She sighed shamefully. "I may have accidentally given Guren a love potion-" "What!? Do I even want to ask?" He said angrily. "I was going to give it to Yu and accidentally gave it to Guren-"

After a long lecture on spell craft consent Shinya sent Shinoa on her way with a warning.

But Guren wouldn't stop following him like a lost puppy. He didn't even say words, he just watched Shinya, lovingly.

"Guren you have to actually watch the streets for horsemen and vampire not just watch me." Shinya stated in annoyance.

"Am I being weird Shinya?" "Yes, terribly weird." "I think I'm in love with you-" "No you aren't. You just think you are because you're under a spell." Shinya stated.

"Do you love me Shinya?" Guren asked sitting next to Shinya who looked through his gun's scope. "You're my best friend." Was all he said. "But do you love me?" "Of course I do Guren you're my best friend." "Do you want to kiss me?" Guren asked staring wide eye at the flustered man.

The day of missions quickly came to an end, but Guren still refused to leave Shinya's side. Even trying to take a shower alone was a challenge. But eventually Shinya had to settle for sleeping in Guren's room.

"DO NOT try anything stupid Guren." Shinya said slamming a pillow between the two, to separate the bed. But Guren simply wrapped his arms around the Shinya along with the pillow.

"God Guren this is hard." "Why?" "You aren't yourself right now. You wouldn't actually do this." Shinya said sadly.

"Yes I would, I love you Shinya." Guren cooed nuzzling his head into the crook of Shinya's neck. "No you don't." Shinya sighed. "Yes I do, I do, I do~" Guren said peppering Shinya's neck with soft kisses, to which Shinya froze up.

Guren just continued to kiss and hold Shinya until the latter let out a dry cry. "Guren stop." Shinya said sternly to which Guren complied.

"You don't love me Shinya?" Guren said, in a hurt tone.

"I do, and that's the problem idiot. I do love you and I do want you and to be with you, but this isn't you. If you had full control right now you would not be doing anything like this-" "You're wrong." Guren said sadly. "No I'm right, and you know it. Just leave me be. I'll just wait for you to return to normal, and we can pretend like this day never happened."

"No Shinya, I'm not some idiot. I know how spells and magic work. You can't just make a love potion. That's not how it works. All you can do is enhance the feelings that are already there, so what that means is that this spell just enhanced my feelings for you. I'm acting on desires I've hid away." Guren said persistently.

Shinya was shocked. Although Guren was high on this potion, he was completely accurate with the spell stuff.

"Did you just confess to me?" Shinya asked. "I mean I have told you I loved you the entire day so...yeah." Guren smiled. "God you are going to be so embarrassed when you're normal again." Shinya laughed.

After setting in and getting ready to sleep Guren piped up one more time.

"Can I kiss you-" To which Shinya shoved a pillow in his face and went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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