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Guren is a sick boi

"Your home early." Shinya stated as Guren walked through the door.

"I didn't feel well..."

Guren walked toward Shinya, but collapsed halfway.

"What the hell!?-"


Guren's head hurt. He went to move his arm, but that hurt too.

"Guren! Guren! Are you okay!?"

Guren got up slowly.

"It's nothing...I'm just a little dehydrated." He laughed.


"Guren you've been working extra?" Shinya asked in curiosity.

"Yeah" Guren easily lied. Grabbing a snack from the kitchen.

"That's quite the snack~" Shinya laughed as his lover wandered around with a giant bowl of popcorn, a few candy bars, an avocado, and a drink of Cola.

Shinya sat at the dining room table reading a magazine for a while.

"What!? Guren come look at this-" Shinya called for him. He turned to see the sofa Guren was sitting on was deserted. Popcorn was scattered all over the floor.

"Huh?..." he walked over. Guren was nowhere.

He decided to walk down the hallway past all of Guren's Kendo trophies and awards he took so much pride in.

The door to the bathroom was wide open. The lights were also on.

Shinya walked in to find Guren slumped up against the toilet, vomiting.

"Are you gonna blame it on the avocado again?-" Shinya joked, until he noticed Guren's face. He looked like he was in physical pain, but even more mental pain.

A stream of tears rolled down his face.

"Guren-" Shinya ran to his side. "Are you okay, do you want me to bring you to the hospital!?" Shinya asked in panic. "N-no, I'm just a little sick, that's all." Guren sobbed out. Shinya had never seen him lose his cool like this.

"Guren what's going on?-" "Guren, Shinya, where are you guys?" Yuichiro asked. Guren could here his footsteps coming down the hall, nearing the bathroom. "STAY OUT!!" Guren yelled at the boy, looking away in shame.

"You too, Shinya. I don't like you seeing me like this." Guren cried, pushing Shinya away with his weak arms.


"Guren, be honest. What is going on with you." "Nothing, I'm fine." Guren said defensively. "I know your hiding something!" Shinya yelled.

Guren had barely eaten in a week.

"Guren, tell me-" Shinya's voice cracked. "Are you sick?" "N-no-" Shinya pulled his shirt up to reveal large scratches all over his body. "I was itchy-" "No normal person is that itchy!!" Shinya screamed hard in his face. "Please tell me what's going on!" The emotional voice boomed.

Yet Guren kept his mouth shut until things got worse.

It could no longer be kept a secret. He was put in a hospital. He only had barely a handful of months left to live.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I didn't want you to be sad-" Guren's frail fingers wiped the tears from Shinya's eyes. "I didn't want my last memories of you to be full of sadness-" "You say that like your gonna die. You can't just give up-" "In this situation not giving up won't help anything. My will isn't fighting the virus, my body is. And I'm going to die-"

"Stop!" Shinya cried holding onto Guren's hand.

"What will I do without you?...What will Yu do without you-"

"You'll'll just keep living on...without me. And one day we'll meet again I promise." Guren squeezed the others hand.

"I promise..."

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