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Getting caught in the rain

"Shinya, wanna hang out Saturday?" I suggested.

"Sure~" Shinya smiled leaving me and getting on a public bus to go home.

He waved to me out the window as the bus drove away. He was such a good friend. He was beautiful. He was kind. He was annoying as hell, but that's okay, we're only human. I think I was falling in love with him.

No I wasn't! It was not natural. I don't want to make things weird.

We were adults, and still never found anyone but each other (as FrIEnDs). We saw comfort in each other. Well at least I did. I didn't know how much longer I could go without telling him.

Eventually the Saturday ,I had been waiting for, came. But a day before I was laid off my job unexpectedly. I was in a terrible mood as it was, and then Shinya told me he was running late.

It was a beautiful day out, but I was grumpy so I stayed inside the whole day.

Then I noticed the weather was starting to get bad. I could hear the rain pelting the side of my house.

I hope Shinya gets here safely. I thought.

But the sky was still bright and beautiful. It was almost sundown, and the only colors outside were a mix of warm colors. Orange, yellow, gold, it was quite beautiful.

Then I saw Shinya out my window. He was standing there soaking wet. Was he seriously trying to get sick on purpose!?  Then he pointed to me and motioned for me to come outside. And of course I listened.

I ran out side immediately getting soaked.

When in neared Shinya he splashed me in the face with some water. Then that beautiful laughter. Those beautiful eyes closing shut in amusement. I was too mesmerized to yell at him.

Then he took my hand.

We danced in the rain, splashing about in the puddles beneath our feet, like idiots in love.

By the time we finished dancing, we were both laughing happily. Then I looked over to him. The water was pouring down his face from his hair.

I moved some of his soaking wet hair behind his ear. He smiled a small thank you to me.

But I didn't remove my hand from him.

"Shinya, can I tell you something weird?"

He laughed nervously.

"Of course~"

I looked him dead in the eyes, as the rain poured down all around us.

"I'm in love with you."

Shinya looked half surprised and began to blush. He mumbled something inaudible.

"What?" I asked clearly. 

"I said...I feel the same way!" He smiled at me happily.

He moved forward and put his lips on mine, and hugged me.

It was like the last piece of a puzzle was finally put in its place. Everything fit perfectly and it felt amazing to finally have been done.

I wrapped my arms around as we kissed, surround by the loud hum of falling rain.

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