Zombie Apocalypse 3/3

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"Shinya!! Shinya what are you doing they'll kill you!!-" "I'm already infected!" "SHINYA!!!"
Shinya fliched before waking up.

Shinya woke up with Guren's head in the crook of his neck. Guren looked at him with half asleep eyes.

"Lee, you didn't disappear this time." He said in a groggy voice. "You look better today." Guren pointed out. And for some reason Shinya did feel better. His body was warm, he had his first dream from after he turned, and-No way!! His heart was actually beating like a normal person.

But I'm still a zombie, right?

Shinya looked down his shirt to see all the bullet holes had been healed. They were all just scars now.

And that dream. Was that my real name? Shinya? Am I starting to remember things? This is crazy!! What if I'm turning back to human!? Wait does that mean zombies will attack me now!?-

"Lee June! I'm talking to you, stop spacing out." Guren mumbled. "Guren, call me Shinya." "Wait, why?" "Because I just made up that name because I forgot my real name, and I just had a dream-No maybe a memory on what my name really was!" "..." "What? How do you forget your own name?" Oh shit, Shinya didn't think this one through, so he waited for the first thing to come to mind.

"Um the zombies attacked me and it was so traumatic I forgot everything." "Hmn? Okay."

Yes, he fell for it!

"Well Shinya, I wanted to ask you, if you'd like to accompany me on a mission to bring back resources? You don't have to say yes." "Where are we going?" "Just a town west of here a few miles." "Sure"

Guren, Shinya and a few others headed to retrieve whatever resources there was.

As they walked in silence Guren began talking. So the zombies are really attracted to sound and movement, so if we came across a lot of zombies, that we couldn't kill on our own, we'd have to stand still and be silent as they pass us. So our goal is to get to the hospital and bring back some first aid supplies."

The goal was simple enough and Shinya definitely thought he could do it.

Upon their arrival, just like Guren had said there was a big horde of zombies. The group just stood still and silent and waited. But Shinya was getting bored and decided to do something. Before anyone could hold him back he started running.

"No way!!! There are some humans over there!!" Shinya pointed in the opposite direction. The zombies, without attacking Shinya, began to go to where he pointed. One even gave him a pat on the back. He came back to the group with a cocky grin.

"How the hell did you do that!?" Guren said in complete shock. Now that he looked at the whole group, they all seemed to be in shock.

Excuse, excuse!! I need an excuse!!!

"Um, beginner's luck?" He shrugged it off. But they suddenly didn't care anymore, because they needed to get the supplies before the zombies came back.

They grabbed as much stuff as possible, along with any food they found, or guns.

On theirs way out, the zombies had returned. They stood quietly waiting. But Shinya decided to pull the same trick again, but this time one of the group members began crying saying "I'm so scared!!" The zombies all heard it and started running towards her.

Oh, shit!!

The zombies was about to grab her, but Shinya held it back. The zombie got mad and bit him. Then he started fighting all the zombies,as the humans snuck away. The horde was so huge, that no human would ever survive what he was doing, but he was no human.

A zombie gnawed on his arm. "Okay, the act is over. I need to get going." But the zombie continued. "I SAID STOP IT, YOU IDIOT!!!" Shinya smacked the zombies face before angrily walking away. On his way back Shinya look at the spots he had been bitten, but they were already healed.

Wow, I guess my heart beating again does have its perks.

Shinya used his secret way in, and made his way to Guren's house. He looked in the window, to see Guren sitting on his bed crying. "First Mahiru, now my only friend. What the fuck!?" Guren cursed as the tears fell.

Guren jumped when the door began to open, and Shinya walked in. "Did ya miss me?" Guren looked at him in shock. "Am I infected?" He asked himself "Because I'm definitely seeing things." Shinya laughed before walking over to Guren and touching him. "Guren, I'm only a little dead-" Guren grabbed him and pulled him onto the bed. He pinned Shinya to the bed and kissed him as tears fell down his face.

He pulled away and said "How the fuck did you survive!? There was so many not even I could take them on let alone you who didn't even have a weapon. No, wait. I saw you get bitten when holding that zombie off." Guren grabbed Shinyas arm and examined it.

"How is that possible? Not even a mark!?"

Oh shit! Well...I guess he was gonna find out anyway...

"Guren, I'm a zombie."


Guren sat in shock.

"I was in the horde that attacked you and Mahiru, the day before she killed herself. That day my sanity slowly came back and I made a run for it as you killed the others. And you were all freaking out about killing the one that got away, and she just wanted to go back. And then I followed you guys for answers and snuck in and then we met, and the rest is history."

"Jesus Christ..." was all Guren said.

"Am I still able to be your friend, even if I'm a zombie?"


Guren laughed before saying "Well I do have no one left, Shinya. So why not be friends with a zombie, I don't think you'd ever eat me too. You're too obsessed with bread."

Shinya smiled, finally feeling welcome for who he was. He latched his arms around Guren and hugged him, feeling his warmth again himself.

It was something Shinya knew he could never lose.

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