Healing Wounds 2/3

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8 years later...

"I said I don't want to be with you anymore, you're abusive!-" Shinya's boyfriend grabbed him by the hair and slammed him on the ground. "Get away! Get away from me!!" He screamed at the other desperately, digging his nails into the others arm.

"Stay right here~" His boyfriend purred. Shinya squirmed, desperately trying to escape, but his boyfriend now had a strong grip on his neck.

"P-please stop..." Shinya attempted to claw at the others hand, that was squeezing tighter around his neck. He was now really dizzy and the room around him was turning black.

"The only good thing about you is your talent..." Then he looked down at Shinya, who was slowly passing out. "And your body-" He started unzipping his own pants.

"P....please...stop..." Shinya cried one last time, as his boyfriend ripped off his clothes. Then the whole place turned black and he was finally passed out.

Shinya's boyfriend ,Ashida, had been his first love after Guren. They had been together for so long, and that was one of the reasons that he didn't want to leave him. Another was that, Ashida was very verbally abusive. When Shinya talked about how he might want to breakup Ashida started being physically abusive, and making threats.

"Nngh?" Shinya woke up. He was butt naked. There were hickies and actual bruises all over his body. And everything felt weak and it all ached. But Ashida was nowhere to be found.

Shinya started to cry. Why was life so unfair like this. Why did people always take advantage of him? Why did people always hurt him?

Then he looked at his body again. And thought about what his boyfriend did to him. He gagged then ran to the bathroom, and threw up in the toilet.

"What happened here Shinya?" Mito examined his body. "Was it Ashida again?" "Yes, h-he-" "When are you going to leave that bastard!?" "I could even go with you if he starts hurting you-" "Shinya, I hereby forbid you from seeing him again!" Norito cut in. "Ha, thanks Norito, but I think he'll be the one to-" And then Shinya's phone began to ring.

"Oh, would you look at that? He's calling." "Don't answer!-" Shinya casually walked away. He picked up the phone and put a hand over the ear that wasn't to the phone. "Hello, the person you have dialed is not available right now. Leave a message after the tone-Beeeeeeeeeeep-" "Shinya I'm so sorry-I didn't mean to hurt you-I promise I'll never do it again-" "I'm sorry but the person you have dialed does not speak to dumbass, perverted, abusive, ex boyfriends-And get that I said ex-BECAUSE ITS FUCKING OVER!! Come near me again and I'll get the police-" "Then I'll get my lawyer-" "Talking to you fucking lawyer all you want. What are you going to tell them? 'Oh, I accidentally raped my ex without his consent, because I'm a fucking perverted rapist.'" Shinya mocked, pretending to be the other. "Goodbye-" Shinya hissed hanging up, before blocking his number.

"Damn Shinya, so strong-" "I'm not strong." he sighed sadly "I'm only strong when he's not around. I wasn't strong enough to stop him..." he looked like he could've started crying

"-Well anyway!! Now that that's over with, when is the gig tonight?" " 7 o'clock" Mito said with small smile. "Good, I need to sing to keep my mind off of things."

While I'm in town maybe I should give Shinya a visit-No he's probably still pissed at me-No that was a million years ago-Okay that's it! I'm going to visit him.

Guren then decided to check out Shinya's show.

It was 7 o'clock, and Guren sat at a bar stool with a drink, facing away from the performers. There was a guy who was crazy drunk next to him, but he just ignored him.

Then he heard his voice. The voice that use to hum made up songs to the other as his fingers glided soothingly through his hair. The voice was beautiful as ever, then Guren spun to look at the other, just for a second. He was still beautiful. He was still Shinya. Why did he ever end things? Oh yeah, his parents hooked him up with a girl. The worst decision he ever made in his life. He honestly missed Shinya so much. They never even had a chance to kiss.

"Shinya" Guren said under his breath, watching the other. It had been eight years since they last saw each other. "I still love you-" "HOO are ya talkinG Bout?" The drunk man asked. "Uh, um-" The man pointed to Shinya "That Mi BoYfrend~" Guren's heart dropped.

Of course Shinya moved on. What was he thinking being so hopeful things would magically fix themselves. It was near the end of the show. Guren wanted to disappear before Shinya noticed him.


"I told you to stay away from me, creep! I'm going to call the police-"

Guren looked over to see the man smack the phone from Shinya's hands. Then he grabbed him ,forcefully, by the neck, and pinned him to the wall.

Then before Guren knew what to do, his feet were already carrying him towards the two.

A fist collided hard against the man's face. So hard the man fell to the ground.

"What the fuck do you think your doing!?" Guren hissed in a scary voice. Then he proceeded to beat the living shit out of the man. When he turned back to Shinya, Shinya was already passed out like the man beneath Guren.

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