Homeless 2/2

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And just like that, it had already been nine years.

Shinya got a job and started trying to get an education. He finally found a place to stay that wasn't nearly equal to that of Guren's house, but was good enough for a previous homeless boy. He still climbed up the tree next to the house, and broke into Guren's room on a daily basis. They were now the best of friends. Even Guren's parents saw Shinya as another son. Shinya would usually come by most nights for dinner. Guren's parents even got really used to making an extra plate of food for him. Shinya became a big part of everyone's lives. But Guren had never told his parents how he met the boy or his situation. Some things were just meant to be kept secrets.

Guren had just come back from school.

He walked into his room and threw his stuff on the floor. Then he looked out his window. There he was ,like always, climbing the tree outside Guren's room. His white hair flowing as he went from branch to branch. Guren slid the window open and offered him a hand. Shinya took it without a second thought, and jumped into Guren's room.

"Hey, Shinya." Guren said calmly, sitting on his bed. Shinya took a seat on the ground. "Guren, I feel like you've been more...Uh...?" "Uh...? What?" Shinya looked up at him, he looked him right in the eyes. "You've been more...distant-like the other day I went to open your window, but it was locked-I almost fell-" "Am I not allowed to lock my window-" "Yeah, not when it's my door." "Your impossible, Shinya."


"So you finally got a girlfriend?"


"This girl is taking you away from me. We never hang out anymore. I've been eating dinner here at your house without you even here. That's kinda awkward-" "Well Shinya, some people are more important than you-"


"Shinya why are you wearing that?"

"Because you give me all your old stuff-" "Well not that one-" "Guren I asked you, and you answered 'yes' then ran off to your girlfriend's place..." Shinya said giving Guren a fed up look. "Well I didn't know it was this one!-" Guren hissed ripping the hoodie off the other. With Shinya's confused struggling the fabric ended up ripping.

"Shinya! What the hell!?" Guren screamed, hand colliding with the pale skin of the other's face. Shinya was taken aback by the action. He touched his face. He looked at Guren in the eyes as his surprise turned to anger.

"What is wrong with you? Is this about your girlfriend!?-"

All honestly it was about her. He was doing this because it was a sweatshirt his girlfriend had once worn. He couldn't just let Shinya steal it.

"Don't bring my-" "I wish you had never met her!!-" "I WISH I HAD NEVER MET YOU!!" Guren shouted loud grabbing Shinya and pushing him to the window. "Get out-" "Are kidding me? This is all over a stupid sweatshirt?-" "Shinya, I said get the fuck out!!" Guren glared at him. Shinya then headed out the window and looked back.

"You're not welcome here anymore."

"Guren, where is Shinya? He usually comes for dinner..."


"P-please sir," Shinya got on his knees and begged. "It was only one late payment-I promise it won't happened again-" "No kid, I barely have enough money to support my own family as it is. The bank is repossessing this place soon so there is no point-"

"W-where am I going to live?"

"I'm sorry Guren....I think it's better we part ways. It's just not working out-" "Are you kidding me? Mahiru, I love you-" "Well the feeling is officially one sided. Guren, I am no longer in love with you. This is the end-" "Mahiru-" "Guren!" She spun towards him angrily. "You love me right?" "Y-yes!" "Well sometimes if you love someone, you have to let them go-"

"Why would I let go of someone I love!?-"

Then it hit him like a brick.

"W-Why...would I let go of......someone I love?" Guren began backing away. "Goodbye Guren-" Guren then took ofF in a dead sprint.

Where am I going to go. The only home I have ever had...is gone.

'You're not welcome here anymore' the voice stung like a cut.

Where do I go!?

Shinya had no choice....


Guren opened the door to his room in panic, but the white haired boy was not there. He then look to his windowsill where a lone figure stood. It was such a nostalgic figure, he found himself walking closer.

"Mr. RobotNinja...?" Then-


A ball nailed the side of his head, bouncing off making that satisfying boing~ noise. It was complete deja vu. He new exactly who it was.

He turned to lock eyes with a worn out boy in the corner of his room.

"Shinya, I-" "I don't want to hear it Guren. I didn't come here because I wanted. I came because I have nowhere else to go.-" "It's okay, I have to tell you something myself-" "Are you going to apologize for being a bad friend again-" "N-" "I've heard that one too many time. Don't worry I'll be out of here in no time." Shinya said not making eye contact at all. "But-"

"Stop!" Shinya screamed grabbing tuffs of his hair and pulling. "I've had enough of your pity!" Shinya's voice filled with saddened emotions.

"You have no idea what I've been through!" He screamed. "You weren't there when I was living in a tunnel slide at a damn playground! You weren't there when I was eating cat food because it was the only thing I could call a meal! You weren't there when I sat in that damned tree waiting to be let in that locked window. But you never came! You weren't there when I was kicked out of the place I lived." He breathed in sharply. "But you were here when you kicked me out...out of my only home...my only home was with you. You were never there to help me, you-"

"Well I'm here now!" Guren said grabbing the other and pulling him into his arms.

"I should have never let you go...I just realized today that I had let go of someone so dear, someone I loved so much. I will never let you go again." Guren held the other closer in the embrace. "Your family is with us. Your home is with us. You...I want you to stay with me."

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