Shinya Snaps

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Shinya is nice and watches Guren's class

"Shinya can you watch the little shits for a second? I've been called down to talk to Kureto." Guren hissed the other's name. "Of course Guren~" Shinya said walking into the room. "All you have to do is supervise them as they take the test, okay?" Guren said leaving. "How hard can watching a couple of kids be?" Shinya said walking into the room.

He sat at the teacher's desk in silence.

"Hey Kimizuki!!!" Yu obnoxiously whispered across the room. "What's the answer to number six!? Is it b or c??" He whispered. "Yu! No cheating." Shinya said keeping his calmness. Yu quieted down and turned back to his test. Not even a second later he was asking his other friends what the answer to question seven was.

After Shinya yelling at him again he finally shut up and guessed on every answer and handed the paper in a minute later.

Shinya looked at he paper and almost passed out. This was basic spell crafting and demon knowledge. "Yu, are you sure about handing this in? You got none of them correct." "Yeah, whatever..." Yu shrugged it off.

After that the other kids all finished.

They sat there quietly talking. Then they started to bug Shinya.

"Shinya, Shinya! You're way better than Guren! You don't just growl at us and sleep like he does." Yu laughed "The only other person I know who does that is Kimizuki..." Yu looked over his shoulder. "Fuck you too Yu!" Kimizuki said getting up and lunging for Yu.

The two fought crazy and before they knew it the desks were all scattered everywhere. "I hate you-" "Shut up!" Kimizuki elbowed Yu in the face.

"Okay, that's enough." Shinya said grabbing Yu and Kimizuki and pulling them away from each other. "What are you gonna do, little sniper boy?~" Yu mocked. "Yuichiro, I wouldn't push it with the Major General like that." Shinoa warned.

"What's he gonna do shoot me with his little gun?~ I can dodge anything you throw at me!" Yu mocked yet again. "Sorry about that Major Gerneral! I think he may have taken twice the dosage of his retard pills again-" "Or he's just being an ass!"

Shinya tried to stay patient and nice. "Can you guys just fix up the room, and talk like normal human beings-" "Ha! I'm not a human. I'm a demon seraph thing!" Yu said smugly. "Yu please just work with me. I don't want Guren getting mad at me-" "Haha!! You don't want Guren getting mad at you!? Is he gonna spank your little butt?~ Are you gonna cry like a little baby!?~-" "Yu I don't think you should be saying that-" "Shut up Yoichi." Yu was being really rude. He needed to be put in his place, but Shinya was trying to be patient. "Um, no-" "What's he gonna do? Is he gonna hate you forever? Will he kill you?~ What's it matter? He's just Guren." Yu sat down, then got up again and walked towards Shinya.

"Or is it because you like him? Is it true you swing that way Major General?" He caught Shinya by surprise. Shinya's eyes widened for a second then narrowed.

"Yes, now sit down." He said in a low, threatening whisper. "Wait, what? Guys the Major General is in love with-"

That's it! Yu had been being a little shit the whole time. Shinya could no longer take it.

His poker face turned into a smirk. The his eyebrows furrowed. And before Yu could get out the last part of his message, the back of Shinya's hand collided with the kid's face.

Shinya thought he may have lent a little too much power from his demon when he saw Yu fly across the room and smash into the wall. He looked down to see he arm was broken. Broken as in the bone was sticking out.

"Fuck kids! FUCK THIS!!" He screamed, storming out of the room with his bone still sticking out. Then Guren opens the door.

"Uh!?-" "Shhh-sh..." Shinya But his finger up to Guren's mouth, silencing him. "I did this because I love you." Shinya popped the the bone back in his arm.

"Don't ever make me do that shit again."

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