Healing Wounds 1/3

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Guren and Shinya broke up and are falling back in love with each other

Trigger Warning! SA

"Guren, are you going watch my chorus concert? I've been practicing all year for it. We're gonna sound so awesome and-" "Shinya, I cant go-" "What, Why!? I've been practicing all year for this-" "Shinya my parents don't want us hanging out anymore. They're trying to set me up with some girl-" "But aren't we dating-" "They don't know about it!" Guren whispered. "I think it's for the best if things come to an end-" "What!?" Shinya's heart sank.


Guren didn't look back at as he walked away.

"Thank you everyone for coming out to support our schools band."

Everyone applauded again.

"Now, it time for our school's choir."

All the other student started heading out onto the stage.

"You! You're a Tenor ( low voice thing idk how to explain it) right? Get out there!" A student whispered to Shinya as he spaced out. Finally the yells snapped him out of his daze, and he made his way on stage.

He made his way next to the other Tenors and some Baritones (other low voice thing). Shinya was at the very front of the Tenors, standing on stage.

Then the music began to play. He finally focused and sang his part. He held up really well throughout most of the songs. He noticed something was wrong when he started singing a little to high or too low and starting a little off than the others but besides that he did pretty good, making up all his mistakes with talent. All was okay until they got to the love song.

The whole time Shinya's eyes glided from face to face in the audience.

"But he—is fairer,~"

"I can't wait to see you sing, I bet you'll be amazing! I'll scream for you at the end. And I'll bring a big bouquet of flowers!"

"More—worth loving,~"

"Shinya, I can't go-"

"He—my heart's-"

Shinya stopped singing. He could feel the tears rolling down his cheeks.

The song came to and end, and Shinya was shaking. Then it snapped, he started sobbing running away. He didn't want to be seen like this.He was supposed to be happy, his choir did very well.

But, why did he feel so sad? Why did he feel like a part of him just died?

"Shinya, are you okay?" A friend called out behind him.

Everything was not okay.

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