Zombie Apocalypse 1/3

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Zombie boi hours

Shinya was dead, but somehow still alive?

He wandered aimlessly, killed and ate whatever he saw. Until the day he met humans. Very much alive humans. Things started to come back.

kill ,kill ,kill ,kill ,kill ,kill ,kill- Wait! This isn't right-

Shinya staggered towards the humans. Multiple bullets went through him, before he realized what was happening and ran.

He hid behind a tree while the humans shot down the horde of zombies he had been traveling with.

"There was one more! Keep your eyes peeled!" The leader of the group yelled as they pointed their guns and weapons in all different directions. "Guren, we don't have time for one zombie! For all we know there could be more hordes coming, we need to make it to the our safe zone as soon as possible!" A girl yelled, as she began to lead the group through the forest path.

At this point Shinya was curious, and decided to follow them, very quietly.

He didn't know who he was, how he had gotten there, or where he even was for that matter. All he knew was following those humans would give him answers.
"Guren, you have to stop panicking over every single zombie. We can't have all our people dying, just because they're waiting for one zombie to show itself." "I just wanted you to be safe, Mahiru." Guren sighed before hugging her.

Their group had made it to the safe zone, with only a few casualties. The safe zone was located in an remote, abandoned village on a cliff. What made it so safe was the big walls and traps people had built around them, it was almost impossible for a zombie to get in, and if zombies were to get in and overwhelm them, the people had all agreed to jump off the cliff in that situation.

"Oh God, I've missed it so much." Guren said joyfully swing his sword about. "I know, you're better with the sword than a gun, but we can't have you losing it, like last time." "Ugh, it's always goes back to last time." Guren sighed. "Yeah, I cant believe you-" "I know, I know, I left it in the head of a zombie." The two laughed at the memory.

Before the apocalypse, Guren had fought with Mahiru's family to let him be with her, but when they finally gave in the world had already ended. All they had was each other now.

Shinya had to figure out a way to get in.

Maybe I could disguise as a human?! Genius! But I'm covered in blood and mud and- Ew! I don't even know what that is!! Okay, it's decided. I'm going to need to wash up!

Shinya bathed in the ice cold water from a nearby stream, but of course it didn't hurt or feel cold. In fact he couldn't feel any pain at all.

He looked at his reflection in the water, and was amazed at what he saw.

Woah!! This is what I look like!?

Shinya had stolen some clothes off of dead humans, and quickly put them on. He then headed for the entrance the humans had gone through.

There where guards armed with guns waiting. He then had second thoughts and turned around to walk away. Just then he saw a zombie running towards the entrance, then trip on some makeshift trap, and be sliced in half.

Ha! How stupid do you have to be to fall for a rookie trap like that?

Shinya decide to go in through a different way, if it were possible. He avoided all traps a and slowly found his way in.

Man, I thought the humans would make something more challenging.

Shinya was dressed in a black hoodie, and long pants. He had no shoes, but that didn't really matter because he had no feeling in anything.

Inside the so-called 'safe zone', people walked around with guns, as others helped the injured. Some made food, and children played with each other happily, not understanding the reality of what was going on outside their protective walls.

That's when Shinya saw a beautiful girl walked by stealthily, trying not to draw attention. He quickly recognized her as one of the people from the human group that had tried to kill him.

Killing something that's already dead. I guess they tried to double kill me. Shinya mentally laughed as he followed the girl.

He followed the girl out the way he had come in. She sat on the ground, and began to cry.

"Why? I-I want to live longer. I can't-Why me!?" She whispered pulling up her sleeve to examine a large black and blue zombie bite.

Welcome to the team, my new zombie.

"Soon I'm going to be a crazy savage. What if I kill Guren? No I can't do that." She cried. "I'll have to kill myself before that happens." She said in a pained voice.

She won't be like me then. She'll be like old me, old zombie crazy me. I feel bad for her, but there's nothing I can do. I'm just a zombie who isn't crazy, and I'm guessing that's really rare by the looks of it.

Shinya stopped spying and headed back into the village to explore.

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